Part 2

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A week before.

I was just sat there in my living room watching tv and doing homework like a normal person and then she came in, my mom, she looked mad which isn't normally like her because I'm an only child and it's just us two, but I just assumed she had a bad day at work.

"Hey mom" she didn't respond which confused me a bit but she sat down in front of me and just looked at me. We sat there for a few minutes until she finally said it.

"Your going to Boarding school"
"It's in England, I've already made the arrangements for you to attend so your going"

We just sat there in silence until I finally found something to say.
"Why so sudden? I don't understand why I'm going either, I mean I did say I prefer England to America because school there looks fun and all but why?"
"Because I'm starting to do night shifts as well as day shifts"
"That's it? Mom I know how to cook and I'm quite capable of being alone"

I was so confused it didn't make any sense.
"Natalia your going to boarding school"
I sighed even though I didn't mind going "can you at least tell me the name of the school?"
"Eleanor Edison's boarding school for girls"
I thought about it for a while and then I realised, that's the school I saw all over the media that girls love the aesthetic off, but they said it's hard to get in so I guessed I didn't have a chance.

We ended up agreeing that I can come back to America in the summer or the holidays because I didn't want to stay there for even longer than I have too if I don't like it.

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