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Goku's POV

                        I'm unsure of what is actually going on in this 'pea-sized', according to Bulma, brain of mine. My initial excuse to myself for doing this is that I could keep a better eye on him if he was here. But the real reason is something I can't admit to myself right about now.

"Stay where?!" She spits, her previous panic gone.

"I second the annoying woman, Saiyan. You cannot keep me here." Bulma seethes at him but says nothing.

"Would you rather me let him go free and risk him killing innocent people? This is Frieza we're talking about. He stays here, I can look after him." Wow, that didn't come out right. Hopefully it doesn't hint at my true intentions.

"Look after me?" Frieza snaps, oblivious to the meaning behind the words. "I am not a child, you simpleton. Stop talking about and to me as if I am." His power level starts to rise, everyone's on edge and now even Piccolo has entered to see what the commotion is about. Their overlapping heated voices are gaining more and more momentum in sound.

"Everyone, be quiet." I growl, my usual steady tone clipped with uncontrollable rage. It gets everyone to stand at attention, silence befalling them. Frieza, most notably, stares at me with an unreadable expression. He stays mute though.

Gods, finally. I can hear myself think.

"Look. Frieza has done some awful things, this I know. But understand that he won't hurt anyone while I'm here. Okay? I swear it. The safest thing for me to do is to keep him here. That way, no one has to worry about the well-being of Earth. It will only be for a week." Gohan's face has softened but his anger is not swayed, not in the slightest.

He storms out, Piccolo soon following. Bulma doesn't express her irritation at all, following suit as she too leaves. Now it's just him and I.

"Am I going to get any lip from you? Because I'm really not in the mood to fight anymore." I observe him intensely as he uncomfortably shifts his weight from one foot to the other.


"Your naivete makes me want to vomit. You can turn off that annoying glow of yours now. You've made your point, wouldn't you say?"

Annoying glow?

Glancing down at my hands, I sharply inhale. They're enveloped in a yellow, radiant light which can only mean one thing. The smallest amount of anger triggered me and I transformed.

It explains why everyone seemed hesitant to disagree with me. Breathing deeply, I allow my body to exhale all traces of exasperation. Soon, the rage is gone. That can't happen again. I was only midly annoyed and I still transformed.

"My weapon of compassion may turn your stomach but you keep forgetting that it's the very reason you breathe, Frieza. I'd watch myself if I were you. Stay here until I can figure out where you're going to be sleeping."


"N.O.! Do you hear me? No! He isn't staying here." So much for the whole Super Saiyan glow that causes people to change their mind as Frieza mentioned in so many words. Rubbing my soon to be achy temples, I plan my rebuttal.

"Again, you want to unleash this monster on the city instead of having him here? Trust me, you guys. Please..." Bulma sighs, the sigh that she exudes when she's close to giving up her standing ground..

"Dammit, you kindhearted idiot. Why in the hell do you have this incessant need to save everyone? You can't save them all!"

"So... spare bedroom on the left? First floor? All his?" I give her a weak smile and she scoffs. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no either.

"Why is this so important to you?" Piccolo's gruff emphasis elicits curiosity around the room, I can sense it. Leave it to him to state the obvious but not so obvious.

I tell you the real reason, you'd think I was out of my mind. But knowing you, you probably already know.

"The protection of the innocent is what's important."

"We would have been protected if you ended his life on Namek." Ooh, sharp tongued. He's not wrong and silence is my response for a split second.

"Well, he's here." I grumble, hoping it shuts the argument down for now. It does, me nearly bypassing about the conversation I need to have with Gohan. He's been sitting off to the side, swinging his legs in utter reticence.

No doubt that his mind is racing a mile a minute. "Gohan, can you come outside for a moment?" He's the main person I'm worried about. Everyone else's opinion does not concern me anymore.


                                      "I just don't understand why you had to bring him here, Dad. After everything he's done... how... how could you?" He starts to choke up, forcibly removing his emotional gaze from mine.

"He needed help, son." What a lame excuse, it's laughable. Gohan agrees.

"He needed help, are you serious?! That's your justification for bringing that monster to our home?" He goes to rant some more but his highly volatile sentiment gets the better of him again.

Collasping into my open lap, dry heaving type sobs leave him and I comfort him as my fingers run tenderly through his hair, finally having a worthy answer to give him.

"Piccolo and I used to be enemies. Do you remember me telling you all the stories of the atroious battle between him and I?" I pause for a beat, not waiting for him to respond but to make sure I word this in a way that will make sense.

"He shot a beam that went through my chest and proceeded to stomp on that wound. Yet when Kami tried to kill him after all he had done, I told him not to. Do you know why?" He's stopped crying, sniffling softly in my lap, faced away from me.

"Because everyone, even the people that you think are incorrigible, deserves a second chance."

"He killed Krillin. And Dende. And... Vegeta." He replies, rigidly still. I don't have an answer for that one. He's right. The thought of me stepping over his lackey's bodies comes hurling back full force, my chest tightening.

No one would be able to fathom how I'm falling for someone who has caused so much destruction, look how they acted when I brought him here.

"We'll summon Earth's dragon and bring everyone back to life." That's the best I can do for now...

I'll need to visit the North Kai planet in the midst of all this madness. Since the Grand Elder of Namek died, we aren't able to use that planet's dragon balls. But maybe, just maybe, I can get a solution from King Kai. Gohan's all tuckered out. He's fallen asleep in my lap, my thighs slightly damp from his tears.

What the actual hell have I gotten myself into...?

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