Who am I?

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You probably don't know me..
I'm new, I guess.

At least, new to you.
Maybe, new to myself, too?

Ah, how do I explain?
You see.. I don't know who I am.


Who am I?
My name?
My age?
My gender?
My ethnicity?

I don't know!

It was as bright as a lightbulb shoved in your face, but somehow, eerily dark, like a pitch black darkness shrouding that lightbulb....

I could hear so many things, the ruffles of tree leaves, the pitter pattering of feet swarming closer, or, maybe, it was the pitter pattering of the heavy rain....

I could hear those things, but not clearly. Over them was the sound of sobbing and snivelling, stifled yet too loud, making the other sounds fade into the background....

There was the wearisome stench of blood,  and the feeling of sticky rubble under my fingers....

That's all I can remember before waking up.

When I woke up
I existed.

I existed here.

So.. I can only assume you have something to do with me..

Do you know me?


That's alright.

I'll find out who I am.

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