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You frantically stumble into the dining table. The vase holding the flowers you picked early this morning tumble off, shattering on the floor. You curse to yourself as you dash around the pooling water and scattered petals. Your mind races to come up with a plan. You whip your head around to make sure he wasn't behind you, your heart hammering against your chest. No sign of him yet.

When you had confronted him he flat out denied it. You had evidence though. No amount of smooth talking or excuses could cover up what he had done. You wouldn't let him get away with this.

You didn't waste time as you ran to the front door and hastily put on your shoes.
​"Y/N! You bitch!" You hear his voice boom and echo throughout the house. Your blood runs cold. His voice had come from upstairs. You still have time. 'Don't panic' you mentally repeat to yourself as you struggle to control your ragged breathing. Panic makes mistakes.

Quickly, but carefully you snatch your purse that sits on the table in the entry way. You notice his wallet sitting there. Without a second thought you take that as well, stuffing it into your purse. Fuck him. You hear his feet stomping down the stairs as you grab both sets of car keys from the glass dish on the table. You can't have him following you.

As you turn the doorknob of the front door you hear his voice yell more curses from the other side of the house. You burst out of the house and stumble down the front steps. The horn of one of the cars beeps twice in quick succession as you press the lock button to identify your escape vehicle. You dash to the car and hop in, locking the door as soon as it shut. Your hands shake as you clumsily try to put the key into the ignition. The panic is taking over.
​"Fuck! Please-" You beg your hands as you struggle to gain control of the tremors. You hear a muted shout from outside the car. Your eyes snap back to the house to see him standing there in all his rage. It takes him only a second to spot you behind the wheel of the car. You cry out to yourself in fear as you turn your attention back to the keys. You finally manage to line the key up and it slides in. As you turn it the engine roars to life. You mentally thank every God and universal power there is with tears in your eyes.

There isn't time to check where he's at now. You put the car into reverse and whip it out of the driveway. The engine revs as you switch gears and floor it down the road. You can't let him catch you. If he gets a hold of you you're as good as dead. Your knuckles turn white as your grip on the steering wheel tightens.
​"Damn it.", you curse aloud. What the hell am I suppose to do now?

 Possession || Lee Know x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now