The Heist

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The tension in the air was thick. They had gone over the plan for days until it was engraved in each of their minds. The layout, the staff, the route, the words, everything.
The eight men crowded into the van. The leader of the crew sliding in behind the wheel. His right hand man taking the passenger seat.
"Lee Know, did you-" Chan begins to ask before he's cut off.
"Scanners are up and running." Lee Know says flatly from the passenger seat, pointing to his earpiece. He could hear the police chatter of the city in his ear. Officer's voices radioed in codes. Codes he had made quick work of memorizing. Chan gives him a sharp nod.
His eyes trailed to the back of the van where the other six members of the crew piled in.
They entered one by one, kneeling on the floor of the van.
"Hyunjin. Weapons check." Chan orders. The tallest of them nods and begins inspecting the guns stowed around them in the vehicle.
"Changbin. Comms check." Chan orders once more. The shortest one with an intimidating gaze grabs the walkie on his vest and presses the button, it beeps and the faint sound of static echos from each of the 7 other walkie talkies on the men's matching vests.
"Maknae, start us off. Over." Changbin speaks into his walkie in a low husky voice.
The youngest of the men, Jeongin, responds by pressing the button on his walkie in return.
"Roger. Comms check. Over." Jeongin responds. The men know to sound off from youngest to oldest. They each radio in, testing and adjusting their individual walkie talkie's settings.
"Comms check complete. Over." Chan responds last as the oldest, signaling the end of the test.
"Weapons check complete. All good here, hyung." Hyunjin reports to Chan.
"How's the streets looking, Felix?" Chan calls out to the boy with fairy like features in the back. Felix sits with his back against the wall of the van peering down at the laptop resting on his legs. His fingers dance along the keyboard.
"Traffic continues to be light. Construction still happening on 4th so I suggest us taking route 5 for arrival."
You could practically hear the gears clicking in each of the boys heads as they ran through the dozens of street routes they had planned and mapped out together. Each route assigned a number for a total of 11 alternate routes for arrival and 8 for departure.
They collectively zeroed in on the memory of route 5, mentally running through it in each of their heads.
"Route 5 then it is." Chan agrees before starting the van. The sound of the engine seemed to spark something within them. Chan could feel the uneasiness practically radiating from the back of the van. He peered over his shoulder once more and locked eyes with Han. His body was tense, giving away his true feelings.
"Listen up. We've been through this plan back and forth for weeks now. I'm confident you all could do it in your sleep. Even you Hyunjin." Chan jokes with a wink to the deepest sleeper of the group. Hyunjin smirks. The small light hearted joke diffuses some of the tension so he turns back towards the wheel.
"Seungmin, you're on target upon arrival." Chan yells out as he shifts gears and pulls out onto the street. Lee Know gives him a side eyed look of confusion as Seungmin acknowledges the order from the back of the van. That had been been Lee Know's task.
"I need you with me in there." Chan says in a lower voice as he nods his head towards the back of the van.
Lee Know casually glances back and he sees what Chan was referring to. The men were scared. Nervous. Their expressions were painted to be brave but he knew them better than that. He could see past the mask of confidence they all forced themselves to wear.
Lee Know sighed. He didn't like switching up assignments. Especially one he had invested so much time on perfecting. Chan's word was law though amongst them all. He respected him just as much as did the other men did. He reluctantly threw away the mental notes of his responsibilities. He'd follow Chan's lead and be the team's second pillar of support.
They weaved in and out of light traffic as they made their way to the location of the bank.
"3 minutes out." Felix called out from the back of the van signaling the countdown of their arrival. The click and clack of gun magazines snapped within the van as each member readied themselves. The plan was fool proof or so they believed. They would soon come to find out that there were things none of them thought to account for.

———— Y/N ————

You smoothed your hair down as you walked through the doors of your bank. Business seemed slow for a Wednesday afternoon. That just meant less waiting time for you. You joined the short line to a teller and waited patiently for your turn.

After a short wait you approached the counter. A smart dressed young woman greeted you by name. You smiled politely at her.

"I'd like to make a withdrawal, please." Your tone was casual. Just then you hear a commotion erupt behind you at the entrance of the bank.

A group of men stormed inside the bank lobby armed with guns. One of them shouts for everyone to get on the floor while the other men raised their guns to aim at the employees and patrons.

Everything moved so quickly. You sink to the floor as your eyes watched the group of men make their way to the counter, their moves seem almost robotic. The steps they each take are precise and they all move with purpose.

You counted eight of them in total. Two of them approach the counter and begin to demand money. You're too focused on the other men to pay attention to the robbery taking place beside you.

You eye your purse on the ground beside you. It's contents clearly visible from your view but hidden to those that stood above you. Your phone was right there. It could be in your hand in an instant and the police on the line in another few seconds.

You slowly reach out your hand towards the purse. You had to try. There's no telling how far these men would go to get what they needed.

As your finger brushed the edge of your phone one of the men looks over his shoulder straight into your eyes. You freeze.

If it wasn't for your fear it would've been because he was so beautiful. His strikingly sharp features and dark cold eyes were mesmerizing. His toned arms raised his gun to point at you. But that wasn't what froze you on spot. It was his eyes. They pierced right through you, nailing you to the spot. It made your breath catch in your throat.

"Don't." He whispered harshly. His tone was commanding although quiet. He might as well have shouted it. You pull your hand back away from your purse while keeping eye contact with him. He lowered his gun and stomped towards you. Your heart practically stopped beating.

He reached down and grabbed your arm, forcefully pulling you to your feet. He was strong. Even if you wanted to fight back you couldn't. His grip was tight as he spun you around with one arm and held you tightly with your back to his chest. His chest just as toned as his arms that showed under his short sleeved black shirt.

One of the men, the one that had done all the shouting in the beginning looked over to you and your new captor. You assumed he was the leader.

"What are you doing?" the leader asked the man behind you. His expression was serious but his eyes were full of confusion.

The grip around you tightened and you squirmed uncomfortably beneath the robber's arm. A few of the other men had now taken notice and were glancing at you and him.

"She's coming with us." He answered flatly.

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