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"Bye Dad!!" The slender, green haired teen said as he walked out the door.

"Bye! Tell me everything you learn!" Midoriya replied to Akuto.

"I promise!"

Akuto put his suitcases into the back of the bus and sat down. Everyone stared at him. Does anyone recognize me? Akuto thought as he sighed and looked around, slightly panicked. Or do they think I look like my dad..?

"Hey!" Akuto heard a feminine voice next to him as his thoughts drifted away.

"Oh, um, hi." Akuto replied back nervously.

"My name is Ren Masami!" The girl held out her right hand for a hand shake. "But you can call me Ren if you want!"

"Uh, ok." Akuto took the blue haired girl's hand nervously. "I'm Akuto Yuseki, but uhm, you can call me Akuto if you prefer."


Ren and Akuto talked the whole bus ride. Akuto never really tried making friends before, so this was all a new experience for him. He actually kind of enjoyed it!

Then he remembered he was only here to train his quirk and gain insight on the newest heroes in training. Akuto's eyes dimmed and his face saddened. Ren noticed and gave him a sympathetic look and tapped his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Ren asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Akuto replied in a monotone voice. "I just have some things I'm a little stressed about."

"I mean, this is your first day at UA, so I understand." Ren smiled at the gloomy green haired boy.

You really don't understand, Akuto thought as he sighed. You really wouldn't.

When the bus arrived at the school, they were given a map of the school and a school ID. Ren looked over to see what class Akuto had after she got her stuff. When she saw what class he had, she gasped and cheered.

"We have the same class!!" Ren cheered. "Class 1A!!"

"Oh, cool." Akuto sighed. She won't give up will she? He thought to himself as they found their class. As they opened the door, they noticed a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard and black hair. He had something that looked like a big scarf over his neck and yellow glasses on top of his head.

He looks intimidating, Akuto thought.

"My name is Shota Aizawa." The tired man sighed. "I'll be your teacher for now on."

Akuto got chills up his spine. He didn't really like him all that much.

Aizawa looked over to see the green haired boy. His look immediately saddened as he remembered Midoriya's kind presence. In all honesty, he really enjoyed having him in his class. He really lifted up everyone's spirits and pushed past his limits to do his best.

When Akuto noticed that Aizawa was staring at him with a slight hint of sympathy, he turned to look at him with a cold blooded glare. Aizawa got a slight shiver down his spine. What aspiring hero looks at someone with pure hatred? Aizawa thought as he looked away.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone sat down and Aizawa started speaking. "As you all may know, Pro Heroes tend to have code names. For example, mine is Erasure Head. Today, we're going to come up with those names. They will not change, so choose wisely."

That's pro hero Erasure Head? Akuto thought. I've heard he's really strong, but I've never seen his face before.

"Can I go first?" Akuto heard Ren ask.

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