Holiday Weekend

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  Haha, suprise!! Here's another update!
-Random Wattpad Writer

 A couple months have passed by. Akuto has decided that he wants to become a hero. He was always told that heros are ruthless in the end but everyone here seems so kind to him. Usually people tend to be rude to him.

    "Hey Fumihara!" Akuto greeted him.

    "Hey Yuseki!" He said back.

    Akuto was starting to get used to using Yuseki instead of Midoriya for his last name. He got along with almost everyone at this point. He and Aizawa even got along. Aizawa felt like a father figure to him. Midoriya is a really good father, don't get me wrong, but he can just be… a lot…

    "Tomorrow, you will be going home for the holiday weekend if you choose." Aizawa stated. For those who are going home, raise your hand so I can track it.

    Should I go home? Akuto thought. In all honesty, he hasn't really talked to Izuku very much since that day he had a breakdown in front of Aizawa. 

    Masami, Fumihara, Bakugou, Uraraka, and Tanaka raised their hands. Aizawa wrote something down on a sheet of paper.

    "Anyone else?" Aizawa sighed, obviously ready for a break.

     Akuto raised his hand hesitantly.

    Aizawa wrote that Akuto was leaving too. He still can't get what he said out of his mind. What did he mean by work for his father? He thought. I should investigate who he really is. I'm pretty sure he is on our side. Ever since that day he has seemed to put more trust in others and earn more trust in return.

    Tanaka stared at Akuto with a glare. He was the only one Akuto didn't really get along with at this point. His quirk, X-ray vision, lets him read minds as well. When Akuto first came, Tanaka heard everything he was thinking. Even though he has truly chosen the life of a hero now, that didn't mean Tanaka would trust him right away.

    Akuto noticed Tanaka staring at him. He looked over his shoulder at the light brown haired boy and smiled with a slight bow of his head. Tanaka just snickered and rolled his eyes. 

    After quirk training was over, everyone that was going home packed their bags for the holidays and got ready to leave.

   Everyone got in line to use the bathroom. Perfect, Aizawa thought. He won't be around his bags. I can plant a small camera and wire in there to record everything. If I put it in the right place, he shouldn't even notice it.

    The truth is, Aizawa hated doing this. He hated betraying his own student, especially the one that trusted him enough to tell him what was wrong that day. After he got done planting the camera, he walked back to where he was standing before as if nothing happened. A couple minutes later, Akuto, Ren, and Fumihara came out together, talking about going home.

    "I'll make sure to text you guys!" Fumihara said excitedly.

    "You better!" Ren teased and stuck her tongue out. Fumihara started playfully chasing her as Akuto brought out his phone and started recording them two wrestling around.

    "No fair!" Ren complained when Fumihara caught her. "You have a speed based quirk! That's cheating!"

    "You realize I'm recording right?" Akuto laughed, practically wheezing. In all honesty, this was the best year he has ever lived. He loved his friends. His only friends. His new family.

    "Nooo!!" Ren yelled as both her and Fumihara started running at Akuto to tackle him.

    Just then, a sudden pain in Akuto's head started to bother him. It felt as if something was piercing his skull over and over again.

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