Late Night Snack

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Matt got up, his hand sore from writing. Without bothering to check the time, he went downstairs. It was strangly dark, he thought it was like the middle of the day. Wandering blindly, he was pretty sure he knew where he was going. Until he ran into the couch.
Lucky him, this very couch held a very panicky, but asleep, Edd. Praying he didn't wake up Edd, he continued.

His luck, Edd woke up, blinking. He was terrified, the couch just shook and he saw someone walking into the kitchen. He couldn't tell who, but they were wearing a white tshirt that somewhat stuck out like a sore thumb in the black abyss called the living room. Edd quietly grabbed the bat, following the figure into the kitchen. He turned around and Edd panicked, whacking him in the stomach, leaving the tall figure clutching his stomach on the ground.

"Bloody hell" He coughed violently, not expecting to be whacked. "W- who are you?" Edd said quietly.
Matt was struggling to breathe properly and just grabbed the counter, attempting to pull himself up, before getting hit again.
"Who are you" Edd said a little louder. "Who do you think short stack" he groaned, just laying on the ground in defeat. "Matt?" He paused, before quickly rushing to Matt's side. "Oh god Matt are you okay?? Did I hurt you? Oh god look what I've done" He started freaking out. But was stopped when Matt just grabbed him suddenly, holding him. "You didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have been walkin around this late at night. It's my fault. Really" he mumbled before awkwardly shoving Edd away, too tired to care that his freckly face was dusted pink.

Edd grabbed on to Matt again, trying to inspect him and make sure he was okay. Only to get pushed off again. "Edd I am fine." He got up turning on the light. He was leaning on the counter, half asleep.
Edd noticed how thin Matt looked. He didn't say anything, but almost laughed as Matt nearly fell on his face because he leaned a little too far forward. Edd grabbed Matt, getting a confused look from Matt. Carefully, Edd led Matt to the couch, sitting him there and putting his blanket on Matt. "Were you getting something to eat?" He asked softly, watching Matt sink into the couch. "Just a snack. Been a long day" he yawned, before finally looking at the clock. "Damn it's already 2 in the morning"

Edd just walked into the kitchen, and grabbed something random. He wasn't going to even attempt to cook, he was gonna end up burning down the house. He walked out to the living room, to see Matt starting to try and get up, although he was successfully entangled in the blanket.
"Matt just lay down. You need rest." He said, sounding slightly upset. He pushed Matt back, although it wasn't far because he barely even got up. "Edd I'm almost done-" "Matt please." Edd looked at Matt, clearly concerned. Matt just sighed, and complied with Edd. Edd gave Matt the food, and he looked at the food, already not hungry. Edd watched him and sat next to him.
"Matt" Edd sighed, before staring at Matt.

He took a bite, although not willingly. Edd was really nervous that Matt didn't like what he made, but after watching Matt greedily eat it all, he calmed down a bit. Matt was actually really hungry, and closed his eyes, before trying to get up. Edd carefully put his hand on Matt's chest. Matt just kind of paused, unsure of how to react. He just turned his head to the side, hiding his face.
Edd- Edd.. Giggled?? Matt just pulled up the blanket, pretending to be asleep. Edd just smiled, moving to another chair. Matt looked almost disappointed, but just rolled over, pretending to sleep.

When Edd woke up, Matt was leaning half way off the couch. No wonder he fell off the chair yesterday. He frantically tried to push Matt onto the couch, although it was a lot easier than he thought it would be. For as much as he acts tough, he's actually really light.

Tom walked downstairs yawning, and stopped when he saw Edd leaning over the couch, and ran by. "oOoOo what's happening?"
Tom paused and Edd just didn't move, internally, and externally who are we kidding, panicking. "Edd are you arigh-" He stopped, looking at Matt and then at Edd. Then at Matt then at Edd. Then at.... okay you get the point.
"Did you kill Matt?" Tom asked genuinely, tilting his head to the side.

"What- NO I didn't... I don't think. Wait did I??? Maatttttt" Edd shook Matt, now concerned that he might have killed him. Matt just groaned, rolling over. Some alarm went off on his phone that said 'review' and Edd just tried to shake him awake again. "Matt your alarm is going off and I don't know how to fix ittttt" he whined, trying to wake him up.
"What the hell Edd" Matt muttered, yawning. Edd was kinda freaking out, because the alarm was beeping and it was kind of loud. Matt rubbed his eyes, and grabbed his phone, turning off the alarm.

"Whatever I'm going to my room" he got up, after a moment of struggling with that damned blanket. He lazily walked up the stairs, and Edd heard the door slam upstairs. Sighing, he neatened up the couch, and went to the kitchen, following Tom who had already rushed in there to make breakfast.
Tom saw the bat on the floor, and asked Edd about it "Edd why is Matt's bat on the floor in here?" 

"Oh uhm, I thought I saw someone. It was just Matt though." He decided to just grab the bat and put it back in the living room. Edd remembered he still hadn't asked Matt if he was alright, so he ran upstairs, although a lot more cautious then when Matt fell, and knocked on his door.

"Matt? I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I kind of hit you really hard and now I feel bad" there was an audible sigh in the room, as Matt got up and opened the door. "Edd I'm fine. No need to worry. You didn't hurt me that bad." In reality, it was probably going to bruise. But that's fine. He'll just be in minimal pain. Right now, he has to focus for finals, which are coming up soon.

Okay sorry this one made no sense, like I said, I don't have a particular plan for this. I'm just writing whatever comes to mind and hoping that it works. I'm gonna try and make each chapter 1000 words or more, so it's a little easier to take in information. I have no idea how college works, so I'm probably making it a lot more stressful then it needs to be but whatever. Fanfic logic ^-^
Hope you enjoy, see you next chapter (might be later today)

So Much For 'Sleepy Head' [Opposite AU EddMatt Fic]Where stories live. Discover now