The Neighbors are Very Mean [part 1]

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Edd was sitting in the living room with Tord watching some random show on TV, when he heard shouting from outside. Worried, that Matt had gotten into some sort of trouble, he rushed out the door, to see Jon and Matt on the verge of killing each other. He saw Eduardo trying to calm them both down, and quickly ran outside.
"Matt! Matt what on earth are you doing?" He put his hand on Matt's shoulder, although quickly removing it.
"You have something to say, say it to my face dipstick" Matt shouted, not dealing with this today. "Don't think I'm deaf just because I haven't slept." He completely ignored Edd next to him, steaming mad. "Oh don't get your hair in a knot pretty boy, I'm just being honest. You have no right leaching off of Edd just because you finished school" Jon taunted, with Eduardo quietly telling him to stop.

Matt paused, sighing. "You're right, but at least I carry myself with at least a shred of dignity" he said matter-of-factly. "Oh really? Well it seems like you only do that for your precious little Edd to keep him from having another panic attack. "maybe that's a little too far Jon" Eduardo commented.
Matt immediately grabbed the collar of Jon's shirt, getting in his face. "You shut the fuck up about Edd you stupid beady eyed son of a-" Matt didn't get a chance because Jon bashed his head into Matt's nose, making his nose bleed. "Shut up ya toothpick nobody cares." He laughed, wrapping his arm around Eduardo, beginning to walk home.

Matt. Was. Pissed.

The first thing he had in the general vicinity was a rock. Not much bigger than a pebble. So, he picked it up and threw it at Jon. Clink. The rock bounced off his head and Jon stumbled forward. Edd put his hand over his mouth, unsure of how to react. Matt had no idea he was even there. Or how much his nose was bleeding for that matter. He was caught up in the moment, before he blinked a few times, and put his hand on his nose. Oh dear- that's gonna hurt.

Edd ran inside, trying to get Tord and Tom's attention to help, but Matt just walked in calmly, walking over to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. He grabbed it and went outside.
"You shouldn't be permanently injured, but I would go to the doctor and get an xray. Wrap up your head and wash your hair when the bleeding stops. Don't use soap, just get the blood out of it." he said blankly, handing Jon a roll of bandages, and some disinfectant.
"Try not to roll around in mud you pig" he added, before walking off, leaving Jon confused as Eduardo tried to rush him into the house.

Matt went back inside, walking past Tord, Tom, and Edd, to the bathroom again. He sighed, annoyed at the fact he just got blood all over the clean floors. Although not willingly, he looked in the mirror, trying to stop the bleeding. After cleaning off some of the blood, he noticed that uh. Noses aren't supposed to look like that.
He paused.
Stared at the mirror for a moment.
And walked out, trying to talk Edd into driving him to the hospital before the pain set in. Nobody else noticed that Matt's nose looked weird, until he said something.
"Edd can you uh. Take me to the hospital. I think I, uh. Broke my nose" his voice was nasally, like he was holding his nose shut. He sounded ridiculous and Tom pointed it out. "Matt are you holding your nose with an invisible clip?" He asked confusedly.
"oh.. well then what happened?"
Matt just stared at Tom, like 'bruh are you dumb' before turning to Edd. "Will I need to drive myself" he said slightly quieter than before, clenching his teeth as the pain started to set in.
"N- no I think I can drive you" Edd stammered, rushing to find the keys. Matt grabbed the keys that were actually right there on the table. "Edd." He said, tossing the keys to Edd. "Sorry! What happened out there, why were you and Jon arguing? I mean you looked pretty mad and-" "it was nothing" Matt shrugged, walking out to the car.

"Matt are you sure? I mean you looked so mad" Edd stressed, stopping after they closed the door. "Edd it's fine" "But you got so mad when they said something about me?" Matt turned his head, getting in the car. "That's not important right now. The problem at hand is that beady eyed arse broke my nose." he said calmly, starting to pull at his hair out of frustration and, honestly, trying not to say anything about the pain.
Edd nodded, planning to interrogate him later. Right now, he has a broken nose.
WAIT HE HAS A BROKEN NOSE- "Oh my god Matt are you okay though? Your nose is still bleeding and it's broken right are you sure you're okay it looks like it hurts a lot" Edd rambled and Matt just leaned on his hand, pretending to stare out the window and not pay attention. But it was. Nice?? To have someone care about him.
Who is he kidding, Edd is nervous about everything so obviously that's why he's scared. Who would genuinely care about him anyways?

"Matt are you okay?" Edd asked, turning to Matt.

There are a loud honk behind them. Edd didn't realize he stopped touching the gas petal and freaked out, slamming his foot down. Matt grabbed his shoulder, awkwardly rubbing Edd's back with his thumb. "Calm down Edd. It's fine" He said quietly,  looking at Edd for a moment before pulling away and looking back out the window.
Edd took a shaky breath, not processing what just happened. They drove to the hospital, the rest of the trip consisting of Edd panicking and asking Matt if he was alright every 5 seconds. When they got to the hospital, Edd rushed the both of them in.
Matt walked up to the desk. "There was a small accident and I believe I broke my nose. I just wanted to make sure and get it fixed if so." The lady nodded, looking at Edd. "Are you...?" she paused, and Edd shook his head.
"No no no no, of course not. He's a close friend!" Edd insisted, but Matt just looked every so slightly confused. They were led into an emergency room, and Matt was asked a couple of questions by the nurse.

"What is your pain level on 1-10?" "15. I'm kiddin, probably around 8 or 9." Edd looked a bit taken aback. Matt was barely even flinching, but he noticed how tightly he was squeezing his jaw, and the fact that he was breathing mostly through his teeth.
"Where all does it hurt?" the nurse was quickly writing things down "Mostly on my nose, and around my cheekbone a bit, most likely some sort of reaction to the force trauma. I also caused a bit of strain on my shoulder muscle" he explained, and the nurse looked surprised about how much he knew. "Are you studying in Medical School?" she asked, and he nodded.
"Technically, but I just graduated a week or so ago."
"Alright! Is there any other concerns then if you broke it?" Matt shook his head, although immediately regretting it. The nurse smiled, and walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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