Chapter 19

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Sitting in a box smelling of petrol, somewhere that no one ever would ever find her. Apart from Alina. All of the toxic air getting increasingly worse than ever before. 

Moriarty was sat in his room, looking at the screen, surprisingly calm. He decided not to reprimand Moran, he was nowhere in the wrong. When he was really knee-deep in problems he had created for himself. James felt like he was being haunted by Aella after she left, he knew she was weak and vulnerable to the advances of Alina, yet he never stopped her. He was worried sick about where she was, he was powerless in trying to find her. Nothing would ever work. She was in her vile mood swings, she was prepared to do anything, not stop at anything. That was when she left. She was sitting in a wooden box, in a burning room, ready to eat her alive.

Moran entered the room, looking at the cameras with James. He took his position in the second chair, folding his hands across his body.


"Excuse me?" 

"You are insecure, you are worried, you are in love with my only daughter," James rubbed his forehead, creasing his forehead. "I should have expected it."

Moran decided not to say anything further, he realised that there was nothing he would be able to say to make things any better. In fact, they would make things worse. Sebastian pinched his lip with his finger, to then scratch his chin. 

Everything felt quite peaceful without having Aella around, it was as if one of them was missing, but this was how things had always been. They missed it. Despite neither of them wanting to say it out loud, they agreed on it between them in a manner no one ever understands. 

"Moriarty! Moriarty!" one of the guards ran in, he had a Spanish accent, tanned skin, tattoos lining his body. "There is someone here to see you. Oh no."

As he turned to look down the hall, he panicked and rushed away from the room, running toward the two gentlemen. 

"You cannot be here, restricted zone,"

"Spanish. You murdered three people last week and are very much single. You haven't had a relationship in decades. If only your murderous instincts were as good as your dating ones."

The man removed his hood, revealing the great detective everyone knows. He always gives himself away by showing off, it is the one thing he cannot withhold or stop himself from doing. 

"Sherlock," Moriarty was surprised to see Sherlock and John. "If you have brought John here to check on Aella, she stormed out an hour ago."


"Then what are you here for?" James was straight to the point, he had no time for pleasantries with Sherlock and John.

"We are here because we saw your daughter being taken away with a dart in the back of her neck, by Alina," 

"What else?"

"I was sent a text message by Aella herself, she contacted both me and John with the registration of the car that she saw on the road near her, she described everything to us. Whilst she was a little dopey, she gave us an accurate description of where she was before. I have a good idea of where she was taken and where she is right now, I will send you the address of where I think she is, I will check where she was taken and see what I can find. If I find that we need to go to a different place to the one I give you, I will call you immediately. Got it?"

"We have got it, let's go!" he began to walk away from the entrance. "Get the car!"

"We don't have one," Moran's voice trailed off as he spoke, he was unsure how James would react to having no means of transportation. 

"Get the motorbikes out then, we need to get her,"

"Yes, sir."

Everyone parted ways to do their best to find her, they were going to find her sooner, rather than later. Moran and Moriarty were both concerned for her wellbeing. However, the deadly ping of their phones called to them, two messages popping up onto their electronic screens. 

Leaving me in silence was all you ever did, 

You took me, tortured me and hunted me till dead,

I saw everything you were doing until you looked at me,


"Aella!" Moran cried under his voice, her name was so bittersweet on his tongue. 

Moran jumped onto one of the motorbikes, equipping himself in leathers. Moriarty did the same, jumping on a bike beside him too. Looking to one another, they nodded, setting off onto the road to the address they were given by Sherlock. 

As they set off, they rode across the roads at speeds so illegal they would be pulled over. Still, they were far from normal people who followed normal rules and regulations. Every turn hurt, every twist burned, every tide was changing with Aella, and this was far from the end of all their problems.

This was the beginning of the lifetime of torture Alina wanted them to endure. She had plans elsewhere she had not yet decided on revealing to James, perhaps she would at one point during these whole issues. Perhaps she would be able to bring to the light what Aella and she had once been and once done. If James would only be able to understand what it was they had done to Moran, the relationship they had before they fell in love with him.

Being best friends with each other was thrown out the window when they understood who Moran was friends with Aella's father, Moriarty. Alina had kept that from her for so long that it tortured her daily knowing that she was keeping such a vital piece of information from her for such a long period of time.

Now, they were on their way to save Aella from death, save her from letting her life slip into the hands of one of the Holmes. If it was Sherlock, Moriarty would not have minded, he would have enjoyed it in some light since he would never expect it very much. 

James focussed on the roads trying to identify his surroundings over and over so he could memorise where he had passed on the way her, just in case. Hopefully, this was not the end of the father and daughter relationship. 

Twists and turns always burn and kiss the world goodbye,

You scream your last greetings and smile amid the pain,

Some things are never meant to last like the lives of those you gain,

Your sons your daughters, wives, husbands, fathers and mother, all are not immune.

James Moriarty - The Devil's DescendantWhere stories live. Discover now