Chapter 27

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James had been gone for a few days, he had not shown up to check on Aella, to make sure that she was okay. For all Aella and Moran knew, he was executed and killed by Alina. Little did they know what was happening. 

Each of the verses had a symbolic meaning to them, to Alina they meant something very special to her. What they did not understand was the special meaning they beheld to her, why they meant something to her. They targeted the rest of the world, everyone has their demons to hide, it just depends what they are, what they feel and act like which make you want to hide them.

Moran has stayed by Aella's side for as long as he possibly could to ensure that he would be the one person she would see when she awoke from her induced sleep by the doctors that were caring for her. Her wounds were slightly extensive in comparison to what they were initially. The fact that there had been a liquid that irritated her inside was a different story. Having petrol inside of a deep bullet wound was nothing short of cruelty, especially after the stitches had been removed without her consent. This was someone who had a history of cruelty against her, which never surprised Moran because he knew. Keeping something like this from Moriarty was a deathbed he refused to lay in. Too many times had he helped Alina instead of Aella, too many times had he wanted and waited to tell James at the right moment.

Right moments never come. You just have to rip it off, get it over with.

Being someone you would not expect to be afraid of someone who seemed so much more insignificant to him shows how much Moriarty can be feared and underestimated. 

Her eyelids flickered, revealing her beautiful irises staring deeply into his eyes, the intent so perfect no one could ever downplay the gratefulness that lit up the room, knowing he was there with her. Their universe would never be the same if he was not there with her, the world they were living in never would be the same if one of them left the world to exercise the freedom to not be in pain.

Whenever Moriarty gave him the seed of truth, it was always Morans choice to make it grow, to make sure he got the full picture without having to have it diminished by lies. Now, he had no choice but to take control of his reins. Quite a number of days had passed since he had been in touch, all of Moran's messages and calls ignored, avoided and dispanded. It was as though he had disappeared off of the face of the earth, which he was rarely good at doing. 

"How are you doing?" he gently smiled at her, watching her lips part to speak. 

"I feel light, I don't feel so ill anymore. How long have I been out?"

"About three days,"

"And some creep has been watching me sleep," she laughed, grabbing his hand before he took it the wrong way. "I am just kidding. I love watching your face contort when you are embarrassed."

"Now you're the creepy one," 

"Keep it up and you will be in this hospital bed!" 

They both laughed, feeling comfortable in the presence of each other, the likeliness of them being separated now was beyond anyone real imagination. It just seemed ridiculous to keep two people away from each other. 

"I just wish I knew where he was." her eyes lowered to her hands, scratching away at the sides of her fingernails.

Moran grabbed both of her hands in each of his, squeezing them tightly. Tears caressed her cheeks in radical motions as she looked up into his eyes, her terror, her fears were all coming into the light of her illnesses. 

"He will be okay, I know he will, we have so far to go yet, there is so much we are yet to understand. Before we realise the time that has gone by, we will have realised the problems we could have solved,"

James Moriarty - The Devil's DescendantWhere stories live. Discover now