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THE sound of the beeping machine is what she woke up to oh my god!!  The nurse in the room exclaimed and rushed out to call the doctor making her shut her eyes again to rest for a short while and that short while was a month later. when she woke up again the doctor rushed to her side and checking her vitals miss mores, how do you feel?.i feel fine she replied with her crooked voice. good your parent will be here shortly but before then I will like to ask you some questions. She nod her head and force a smile. Ok! what  is your name? as if that question brought back the whole incident all blood drain from her face and she started choking on her breath, the doctors were forcing her to calm down but she was so out of it to calm down and she was finally sedated. When she woke up again she remembered the incident and burst out crying she turn to her parent and choke out mum… Their parent rush beside her and gently held her hands where is mary?how bad is she? She started shaking when Roslyn could not control herself and burst out crying oh my baby!!oh my god…..her mother cried sorrowfully while Daniel her father held her trying to consol her am sorry baby, your sister could not make it. she don’t know how her father could deliver that news with a cold face but everybody knows their father is a cold man but not to her sister, he had always been different towards her, she always felt jealous of the bond they share just as she has always been with her mother. Mary was surprised when her father tried to smile and hold her hands but its going to be ok dear, its going to be okk.she felt something break in her, her other twin is gone but why is she still feeling this bond, her death still isn’t feeling real. her father was still trying to consol her mother when the doctor entered the room and cleared his throat am sorry to interrupt but I will like to ask her some questions so we can clear her. He draws closer to the bed with his chart and smiled reassuringly at her. alright young miss what is your name?.He was looking closely at her as if she is going to freak out again. Mary-Kate Mores.the sharp breath intake from her parent made her turn to them and and frown when she see her father about to pass out.oh dear!!her mother exclaimed frowning. its ok,what year are we? The doctors force a smile for her to continue her 2020? And what is your DOB? 18th April. The doctor made some weird faces with her parents and smiled back at her ok mary,the nurse annabelina will excort you to the CT room just to check you a little,don’t worry.the way the doctor talked mary is already sure everything is not going to be ok.                                   After she left the room doctor Adrian turn to Rosaline and Daniel am sorry to say but I think mary has retrogressive amnesia!! Daniel stood up shock he has guess as much but hearing it out created another feeling in him what can we do? Rosy sat down on the bed, she look as if she has aged 10yrs.i will explain the situation to her carefully  when she gets back from the lab,with time she will remember but she should not be overwhelmed, seeing as she is thinking she is her sister.

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