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It's been a year now since that accident and things has not been the same again, I was told my twin died because she was the one driving, Harry had filled for a divorce taking our 3yrs old son Edge with him and my parents supported him I know Dad had never liked me but I thought he would have supported to keep his grandson around and to make matter worse he has taken our son and travelled to his home town in Greece and that's why I am here to take my son from him.we had tried to patch things up since the accident but I noticed he was no longer the loving husband I married, he stayed more in the office and during the weekends he would take Edge away for the weekend before I woke up and they won't be back until Monday mornings when he would have gone to work before I woke up.i had tried visiting his office but I was denied entry, this had continued for 3months after I was discharged not that he came once to the hospital after I had woken up,at first I thought it was because I was not good to look at because I just woke up from the hospital but it had been months and we have still not seen each other except for the day the maid had told me the master would be coming home early and he had dish me the divorce papers, I was stunned because I never saw it coming but I gave a stunned cry when he told me he would be taking full custody of Edge, I felt strange and truly unworthy because I feel has if all that had happened had been my fault and I was sure I was pregnant during the accident and lost it because I could see surgical marks on my body and I had asked some nurses around and they said it might be from cesarean section,I never bother asking my parents because all they have been saying was I would remember on my own, they have being saying that since I woke up in the hospital. harry had taken Edge immediately the divorce was finalized and left the country. i felt as if I lost a part of myself and the sad part was I felt relieved because of the divorce I had really not felt any connection to Harry has my mother had spoken I only just want Edge back in my life because I could here his cry every night for the past months, my parents doesn't know am in Greece and that I had left work because if they did dad would have been calling nonstop because for some reason he has developed some love for me that I can't explain and I think it's because my twin is no longer here because she was always his Angel and I was the devil and mum who I thought would be happy has been acting distant. i remember little things about myself but I could remember that I loved my twin and a little even less about the accident or what caused it.

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