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I was surrounded by other babies, much like myself. Most looked one or two months old. At most, maybe three. They were all dead silent as we watched two people argue.

"What are we going to do? We can't find that damn key without them," They jerked their head to me"But if she dies... Well... there's no way we can stop the destruction of ... you know." The person who spoke had an essence of power and authority over the place. Perhaps they were a leader of some sort.

"Perhaps we could hide her, your... uh, roaltyness? "

"Denmark, you know damn well we tried that. They had almost taken them away from us." The commanding presence replied.

"There is one more option." This time it was a woman who spoke. She had striking features; Dark brown eyes that matched her skin, and her coily hair fell down her back in two large braids. Her gown was of gold and it was as if she didn't walk on the floor, but the floor walked for her.

Both presences abruptly turned. "And what would that be, Mrs. Aubre?" The presence replied.

"As you have said my daughter," She looks straight at me. "Ehem, sorry... our child," She looks over at the figures surrounding her, that of which I did not notice before. She then continued, "... Are not safe anywhere in our galaxy. Who's to say we can't try others."

At first, the Authoritative body looked furious, but it died on their face within a couple of minutes. They sourly nodded their head.

"But where shall we send them?" Denmark questioned.

With twinkling eyes, Aubre answered, "Earth". With a snap of her fingers, we were gone and the world went black.


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