10. Sex and Secrets

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~Sarah's P.O.V~

After a long cuddle session, James and I decide it's time to part; "I'll call you later?" I scrunch my face a bit as butterflies fill my stomach "Spit it out baby girl" I begin playing with my finger "Well Justin and I made plans." I look up and I'm met with a hot glare that turns me into mush. "Well just text me when you get home." I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck, his arms snake around my waist, and I stare up at him. "This gets to you doesn't it?" He sighs and nods while avoiding my gaze. "You have no idea what you do to me" I smile at him "Listen I've wanted you since grade school... you know since the whole incident." He chuckles and nods "You mean when we did our virginity bust?" I can't help but giggle "Yeah, it was good and it felt different than anything I've ever had but I just always thought it was the first time feeling." I shrug and his hand reaches my cheek "babygirl I know exactly what you mean. I don't like hiding the fact that you're mine and I'm yours... especially from Jamie." I groan and plop down on his desk chair "Please James it's only been a couple of days and I don't know how to explain this to Jam." He runs his fingers through his hair and begins gathering his things "She already knows Sarah she's just waiting for you to say something."

I shake my head to drop the conversation but it looks like that's not happening. "You know the other morning at the house she kissed me." My blood boils as the sinking feeling hits me "She kissed you? You just let it happen?" He sighs "No she just did it as we were talking but had she known it would've never happened. She said she wanted one last kiss." I stand up and gather my things "I gotta go." I murmur "Sarah don't get mad, I just want this hiding bullshit to be over with."  He grabs my hand and pulls me close to his chest "Come on baby" He whispers as he leans in "J I just don't want to hurt her and with Justin, he's a great guy but I don't want him running to the press or fighting you over it." His lips meet mine, our tongues collide, as my body begins to tremble I feel his strong arms pull me closer; deepening our kiss. We pull away; his gaze meeting mine "Okay baby girl let's just drop it for now."

~Later That Night~

After a hot shower and some self-maintenance, I decide on a night in, after that long talk with James I don't want to do anything but smoke, recover, and have a nice glass of wine with a late-night F.R.I.E.N.D.S marathon. I begin my rolling process; as I finish up my phone screen lights up revealing Justin's name. I take a deep breath and pick up.

~J for Justin and S for Sarah~

S: hello?

J: Hey gorgeous are we still on for drinks?

S: Raincheck? It's just that Thomson laid into me about the whole thing last week and I'm just not in the mood.

This lying thing is getting easier and easier, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

J: so he laid into you hard this time huh? Not so soft for you anymore is he?

I can't help but smirk

S: he's not soft for me anymore.

J: want some company? I got a bottle of Moscato if you're up for it.

S: sounds great! See you soon."

J: perfect I'll be there in about 10"

We hang up and I decide to slide on some baggy sweats with a black tank top, and black fluffy slippers. I decide on a lazy bun for my hair and put on a bit of mint Carmex because even though we won't be kissing I don't want my lips to get crusty. 

I grab the blunt and plop down on the couch; as I hit play on F.R.I.E.N.D.S I get a text from Jamie.

~J for Jamie and S for Sarah ~

J: won't be home tonight. Staying at my sister's for her birthday! Love you and don't trash the house 😘

S: Love you too! Tell Amy  I said Happy birthday 🎂  also I don't promise to burn down the house.

J: haha so funny Sarah. BE GOOD!

S: 🖤☠

A knock on my door startles me; making me drop the blunt on myself, in a panic I swipe it off me making it fall into the roach bucket. I grab the blunt, put it in the ashtray blunt holder, and run to look through the peephole revealing James... James?! I open the door and I'm met with a wide smile "So you stayed in tonight?" I shrug "Yeah I decided to stay in, Jamie just texted and said she wouldn't be home tonight so I'm kind of binging." His smile widens "So does that mean I can come in?" Ugh how can I say no to that smile "Of course handsome but I should warn you I have someone coming over" His eyebrows furrow "Who?" I shrug "Justin. He texted me and asked if he could come over before Jam texted me about her not being home for the night." 

His stare is cold "So you were just going to be alone with him all night?" I giggle "No not all night. We were just hanging out. You can come too." He shakes his head "I'll leave so he can teach you your lessons, I have club business to attend to." He turns to leave but I  intercept by pulling his hand back "Come in. Please." He turns to look at me letting out a loud sigh "I can't say no to you." He steps in making sure to shut the door behind him. "You're very territorial" I smile up at him earning low chuckles "What's mine is mine princess and I intend to make that known soon."

His hand slowly runs from my waist, caressing my body up to my throat. "How does this make you feel?" His eyes are piercing through me, my body feels like it's been ignited "hot." I answer with a breath "I'm glad" His grip tightens just a bit as his lips meet mine. My fingers find their way into his hair; his free hand runs down my backside giving it a nice squeeze. God his hands on my body feel so fucking good and I just want him inside me... There's a knock at the door causing us to part. I walk over to the door and open it revealing a wide smile Justin "Hey there gorgeous."

A/N: sorry I'm a bit rusty but I'm finally writing again!! I'm so excited and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thank you for all the support 😊

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