Two - Gift of the Night Fury

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The seasons have a habit of changing as they please on the Ilse of Berk. But one thing is for certain, snow always falls during Snoggletog.

Edge adores the holiday, and she, along with the rest of the Hairy Hooligans, are more excited for this year's celebrations than ever before. This time around, they have dragons to keep them company, an addition that surely would make this Snoggletog one to remember.

Like the rest of the Hooligans, Edge is preparing for the festivities, along with her siblings, mother and father, whom she's been spending more time with than ever, now that the dragons' nest is empty.

As her mother braids a green ribbon into Edge's hair, the twins chase each other around the house, and eventually disappear out the door to take care of their Hideous Zippleback, named Barf and Belch.

As her parents leave the house, Edge rummages around under her bed for some decorations, and ends up finding her leather chestplate. She hadn't worn it for several months. Pulling her treasured dagger from it's sheath, she carves a picture of a little dragon into the waist, and puts it on proudly.

She brings a wreath with her out the door, and treks to the Chieftain's house, hoping to locate her best friend.

Not long before she reaches the home of Hiccup and Stoick, Edge spots Hiccup and Toothless taking to the sky, meaning she has just missed them. Nevertheless, she continues, and enters the house, not finding Stoick, who is probably out guiding the Hooligans as they all decorate the plaza.

Leaving the wreath on Hiccup's bed upstairs, she hurries back to the rest of the vikings in the plaza. She locates Astrid and Stormfly, and hugs the former tightly. Astrid smiles and nods her head in the direction of the massive wooden structure that resembles a giant pine tree.

"What do you say- want to help out?" Astrid asks, trying to flip her choppy bangs out of her face, to no avail.

"You bet!" Edge bumps her hip against Astrid's and they get to work. Stoick is right where Edge assumed him to be, his thunderous shouts echoing around the Hooligans that are also decorating the large Snoggletog tree.

Suddenly, a big group of dragons fly over Berk, and for some reason, the Berk village dragons are urged to follow along.

In a trance like state, the dragons all turn their heads and fly upward, joining the retreating dragons in the air. Viking yell for their dragons to stay, Astrid pleading with Stormfly to stay with her, but with no luck. Just like the rest of the Berk dragons, Stormfly leaves. Edge looks at her great friend, and her heart aches a little at the look on Astrid's face.

Hiccup and Toothless land back in the village in the middle of the madness, Hiccup making a beeline for his two female friends.

"Edge! Astrid!" He exclaims.

"Hiccup!" They both greet in a panic, Edge grabbing Hiccup's elbow lightly, taking the familiar place beside him.

"What's going on?!" Astrid asks, completely beside herself.

"Where are they going?" Edge continues for Astrid, very aware that the rest of Berk village are running towards them, and will probably demand answers, just like herself and Astrid. They are soon swarmed by the Hooligans, Hiccup being yanked from Edge's grip.

"Why did they leave?" Asks a male Hooligan, eyes wide.

"What's happening?!" Shrieks a female Hooligan, brows furrowed in confusion and worry.

"What if they never come back?!" Yells a second man, the tips of his pointy beard frozen in tiny icicles.

"Stop! Wait!" Hiccup tries to calm down the masses, though it's not until his father's voice booms loudly that the voices quiet down.

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