-Inner Thoughts Hurt Like Knives-

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3rd POV

"Hey! Cum dumpster! Wait up!" The Violette yelled as he ran up to a close friend of his

"It's your fault for waking up late, abortion" His friend 'Miu Iruma' waited as the Violette ran up to her

They have been close friends ever since Miu Iruma transferred to Hope's peak after an..... unfortunate accident

"It's not my fault you told me about the math assignment LAST MINUTE!" Kokichi huffed

"I didn't notice you slept through the class, so I figured you knew" Miu twirled some strands of her hair as she looked at something that caught her eye " I don't wanna ruin the mood or anything but! Emo detective is coming this way"

Kokichi turned around and immediately looked at Miu "Hide me!"

As soon as those words left his mouth, The Violette was pushed in a bundle of bushes just right next to them

"Oh! Good morning Iruma-San" The detective greeted with a bow

"Oh hi Shuichi, where's uhh the dog- I MEAN Kaede" Miu laughed it off

Kokichi couldn't help but silently chuckle as well

Shuichi eyed the bush suspiciously "Is someone following you Iruma-San?"

Miu panicked and nervously laughed " what? No! W-why would you think t-that"

"Iruma-San you're lyi-" The detective was interrupted by a sudden yell

"SHUICHIIII" a blonde in the distance yelled out

"K-kaede?!" The detective looked towards the rushing blonde heading their direction

"Oh no, not this again" Miu muttered as she tried not to roll her eyes

Kokichi however, stayed silent as he tried his best not to come out the bush and take Shuichi for himself

"How are ya doing Shuichi?" Kaede put up a bright smile on her face that screamed 'innocence'

Miu, one of the few who knew that smile was entirely fake

"I'm doing good, how about y-" The detective tried speaking but was cut off by Kaede taking his hands in hers

"Lets go to class! We wouldn't wanna be...." She side-eyed Miu "..Late, now come on!" She practically dragged Shuichi before the poor man can properly bid farewell to Miu

"You can come out now Kokichi" Miu said as the Violette peeked out the bush "You look like a mess!" She grabbed a mirror from her bag and showed him

"Oh crap! I look worse than you!" Kokichi fully got himself out the bush and tried fixing his hair as much as possible

"You know what! Take this" Miu handed a hair tie to Kokichi "Tie it up"

"But that would make me look worse!" Kokichi said

"Oh shut it and take it or else you'll look like Kaito for the rest of the day" Miu protested

"Oh no- not Kaito!" Kokichi quickly took the hair tie and tied his hair into a low ponytail (if y'all saw the fan art then ykykyk)

"Okay! Better, now lets go!" Miu grabbed Kokichi's wrist and dragged him towards the gates

Thats how the day started. The day of Kokichi Ouma
I wonder how much longer will he keep the secret underwater
And how long will it take for people to know how deep a secret can go.




Chapter 1 here we goooooo

I was gonna do this yesterday but oh well-

Anyways! After kicking writers block outta the door i'm back writing some weird shit

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will post the next one soon

See y'all on the next chapter of Secrets Underwater

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