Jeffrey's dead (the final sleep) Welcome to Freddy's/The mines

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Narrator: "Jeff arived at Freddy's standing before the pizzeria he knew that a fight would go down, the doors opened automatically and a strange kid song played in the background, Jeff took out his knife and slowly walked in, barely a foot or two inside the building and the doors shut abruptly behind him. Jeff tried to open them back up, but they were locked tight. A spotlight turned on; on the stage, there Jeff could see his brother David tied down beneath a pendulum, the giant blade hung there with nothing but danger to offer.

Jeff: "Rrr show yourself"

Narrator: "Over a monitor Jeff heard a familiar voice"

Dr. Paxton: "Hello Jeffrey, I'm glad you came. I so wanted you to be here"

Jeff: "I will save my brother! and then kill you shortly"

Dr. Paxton: "Oh, I don't think so, you see I am not Paxton anymore, I am the wolf and you and your brother shall die here tonight. I have made some of the old animatronics into full functioning robots for my use. One hundred percent under my control, now meet Chica"

Narrator: "A chicken like robot came out of the shadows"

Chica: "Hi, imma Chica I sure can't wait to rip you apart blebblebbelb"

Narrator: " A bunny looking robot crawed out from under the stage"

Dr. Paxton: "Introducing Bonnie"

Bonnie: "Come over here young man let mama te.te.teach you a lession"

Dr. Paxton: "Now shake and quiver in terror, I bring you Foxy"

Narrator: "From the hallway came a very shaggy looking fox pirate robot"

Foxy: "Well shiver me timbers, I'm gonna feast on your organs matey"

Dr. Paxton: "And the one the only Freddy Fazbear"

Narrator: "A big bear robot came out onto the stage and grabbed the rope connecting to the pendulum"

Freddy: "Are you ready to get your prize Jeffrey, gee golly gosh I would love to taste your blood on my pizza hehehehehehahhaho.

Jeff: "These pieces of scrab metal and junk won't stop me Paxton"

Dr. Paxton: "I am the wolf! now you will meet your end, oh yes Jeffrey's dead hahahah"

Narrator: "Freddy pulled the rope beginning the slow decent of the pendulum blade. Chica ran to Jeff and bit hard into his shoulder making him bleed profusely, Jeff grabbed his knife and stabbed Chica
in the head over and over, the robot fell down with wires sticking out of its head"

Chica: "You little shit, I will eatta your brain" (powers down)

Bonnie: Hello there friend, ready to die"

Narrator: "Bonnie smashed a table over Jeff's head, causing his skull to crack open and bleed, Bonnie now began to hit Jeff repeatedly with a metal table, Jeff fell limp to the ground"

Bonnie: "Easy as cake Mr. (idk)..... baaa

Narrator: "Jeff smashed his whole head through bonnie's stomach, stuck his knife in its mechanical heart and twisted, bonnie was now a pile of junk beneath Jeff's heel.

Jeff: "Come on, who else wants some"

Foxy: "aye, I will have a taste of your flesh that is Jeffrey"

Jeff: "You and me right now, lets go asshole!"

Foxy: "arggg"

Narrator: "Dr. Paxton ignited fire all around the stage as Jeff began to fight Foxy, he couldn't help but notice the blade on the pendulum getting closer to Davids stomach, suddently Foxy stabbed Jeff in the chest with his hook"

Jeffery's Dead The Final SleepWhere stories live. Discover now