Jeffery's dead (the final sleep) Intoducing Jane/the house didn't burn

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Warning: swearing and offensive language

Narrator "we now see a teen girl nailing up boards on her windows with her mother from inside a old house, the girl has long black hair and pale skin, she's wearing black combat boots and black lipstick to match with a cradle of filth teeshirt"

Jane "mom what if someone come's in, oh god where's dad he's never been this late before"

Mom "calm down hun, even with these crazies roaming the streets we'll be safe, I promise, Jane I love you no matter what"

Jane "I'm just scared"

Mom "your stronger that you think, don't forget that, I can keep nailing up the windows I need you to run downstairs with the old boxes and get the rope so we can tie theses tables together and make a barricade"

Jane "got it"

Narrator "Jane ran down stairs to an old dirty basement, she was slightly panicked and knocked over an box of old photos, a glass picture frame dropped out of the box and shattered on the floor (glass shattering) Jane cleared the glass carefully and looked closely at the photo, she had never seen it before, in the picture was a young blonde woman and three children, a girl who looked rather upset, a tall boy giving the middle finger and another boy wearing a white jacket smiling oddly, Jane remembering the task at hand put the photo in her coat pocket and then proceeded to get the rope"

Jane "alright I got it"

Mom "good girl, was that a crash I heard a minute ago?"

Jane "yeah but it wasn't anything valuable, just an old photo frame, I'll admit I'm curious"

Narrator "Jane showed her mother the photo"

Mom"why do you have that?"

Jane " I just want to know who they are, I mean that little girl looked like me and I've never met the other two kids before"

Mom "I was hoping to explain this under different circumstances, but Jane, there actually your (glass shattering)

Narrator "suddenly The Rake monster crashed through the front window and tore into the neck of Jane's mother"

Mom "ow stop that!"

The Rake "blood(harsh breathing) blood"

Narrator "Jane ran into the kitchen and grabbed a big steak knife, she then ran back into the living room, but the rake monster was gone, laying there dying  Jane's mother said her few last words"

Mom "those people in the photo-"

Jane "it doesn't matter now mom we need to get you help"

Mom "it does matter honey, listen, they are your blood family"

Narrator "The Rake ran from there small hallway and pounced on Jane"

Jane "take (several stabs) this you ugly bastard!!!"

Narrator "Jane plunged the knife into one of The Rakes ribs, bleeding the monster eluded from the battered old home and into the night, Jane then spared one last glance at her supposed foster mother only to see that she was dead"

Jane "oh christ no mother, it doesn't matter who these people were, you and dad are my family, I'll miss you, I can't stay here I have to find shelter"

Narrator "Jane picked up her kitchen knife and grabbed a long black coat and walked outside, we now see laughing Jack overlooking the town hall Christmas tree which has been set ablaze"

Laughing Jack "now that is the shit, I call that Oz, a little Miley Cyrus, but eh it works hahahaha, I don't even know what that means"

Dr. Paxton "well if it isn't laughing Jack my my are you a ghost or bird of some sort how the hell are you floating"

Laughing Jack "burritos are a real gas hehehahah"

Dr. Paxton "however your doing that I assure you, you will die again" (shoots gun)

Laughing Jack "no where are thoug beak into mine heart, goodbye cruel world I...I hahahahahaha I'm immortal you stupid dumb and now you die"

Narrator "laughing Jack flew over to Dr. Paxton and began to bite his face over and over again (weird noises)

Laughing Jack " oh yum taste like a summer flesh, oh wait it's December, ah fuck it, your pretty boring though and you look nothing like Hannah Montana"

Narrator "laughing Jack did seven back flips into a man hole and vanished, Dr. Paxton now bleeding from the face reached into his jacket pocket and put on the wolf mask"

Dr. Paxton "eh that fucking clown menace, hmm well at least this mask is more suitable"

Narrator "Dr. Paxton walked off into the night, in another part of the town Jeff and David are now visiting there childhood home"

Jeff "they didn't let it burn?"

David "nope, they left it hanging open like an old wound, you sure you want to go in there, may not like it"

Jeff "your acting weird D, of course I want to look inside, hell I had vintage Alice cooper stuff in for christ sake"

David "alright, but I'll wait here and keep a look out"

Jeff "I'll be right back D, heh hell if this was a horror movie I'd be dead for saying that, luckily I'm the killer heheh"

Narrator "Jeff walked slowly into the charred house, the door fell open with a little push, Jeff was amazed by how much of the house still stood"

Jeff "eh fuck here's where that bastard officer Mace tried to weasel my mother into sex, Oh, but there's where we first met, I am so glad we are one now"

Jeff's demon "me too Jeff, you finally came to your senses and chose the true winning team"

Jeff "what do you mean?"

Jeff's demon "I am not the only one in your head, we are the killer combined together now, but remember this little guy"

Child Jeff "Hi I'm Jeffrey"

Jeff "is that me as a child?"

Jeff's demon "yes indeed and it would appear you two haven't spoken in a very long time"

Child Jeff "Jeff are, are we bad?"

Jeff "no, no we're just.. We're just not afraid anymore little one"

Child Jeff "but we killed mommy, that m..m..m..makes me sad"

Jeff's demon "wouldn't you tell the kid to go fuck off Jeff"

Jeff "No, no uh you see mom just didn't love us anymore kido, she had to die"

Child Jeff "I miss Jj"

Jeff "who is Jj little one?"

Jeff's demon "alrighty enough from the kid"

Jeff "what the hell is he talking about, who is Jj, a stuffed animal, a pet maybe"

Jeff's demon "never mind that, let's stay focused on our revenge Jeff"

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