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Jinx woke up to a gentle patting on her face and opened her eyes to see a set of claws far too close to her eyeballs for comfort. She reached out and wrapped an arm around the small furry creature so it would settle back down again, and she could get a little more sleep. She recognised the familiar weight of Daryl's arm lying over her waist and smiled, remembering the night before.

She laid there for a while, listening to the gentle snores that came from the cells signalling that the people she thought of as her family now were still sleeping. Eventually though she had to accept that sleep was not going to return, and she wiggled out from under Daryl's embrace. Pausing to leave gentle kiss on his forehead before she stood up and looked for where she left her boots.

She promptly saw why the little cat had been trying so hard to wake her as she discovered half a mouse left in front of her shoes. She chuckled to herself giving the feline a little stroke and telling her she was a good cat, even if she wasn't entirely sure what to do with half a mouse, she appreciated Shadow's attempt to provide her with food.

When she got downstairs, Jinx went to check on Hershel, she was surprised to find him awake and he talked to her a little. She told him about the prisoners and what had gone down when they helped them clear out the other cell block. By the time they were done, almost everyone else was awake and they ate breakfast together. It was nice to not have to worry about food for a while since there'd been so much left in the cafeteria.

Rick decided the plan for the day was to get the walkers' bodies moved further out and burned and to move the cars in. They decided cars first and she offered to help, standing out by the gates with Daryl, Rick, T-Dog and Carol, someone asked where Glenn and Maggie were, Daryl pointed to the guard tower.

"Guard tower?" asked Rick, "they were just up there last night."

"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl yelled for them. They saw Glenn's head pop up in the window and the door opened, he came out shirtless, still buckling his belt.

"Hey, what's up guys?" he called back, they were all chuckling a little.

"You coming?" Daryl yelled, hands on his hips.


"You coming?" he repeated, causing them all to laugh harder. Maggie appeared looking somewhat annoyed and rather dishevelled.

"Come on! We could use a hand." Daryl called out again and Glenn finally answered that they'd be right down. Jinx and Carol were still giggling as they walked towards the gate.

"Hey, Rick" They turned towards T-Dog's voice, he wasn't laughing anymore. They looked up and saw Axel and Oscar, Jinx had finally learned their names, standing the other side of a fence.

"Come with me." Rick demanded of T-Dog and Daryl as he stormed towards the prisoners, and they met them halfway coming out into the yard.

Jinx and Carol stood a little way behind Rick, Daryl and T-Dog and the two prisoners began explaining they couldn't stay in that cell block any more, the blood and brains of their friends everywhere, Axel described it as having ghosts. Glenn and Maggie exited the guard tower just behind the prisoners and Maggie looked at them apprehensively.

Daryl asked why they weren't just burning the bodies of their dead, but the prisoners informed them that the fence was down on the far side of the prison, so as soon as they took the bodies out, the significantly less dead corpses were just lining up to get to them. They offered to do whatever it took to be part of the group, but Rick shut them down.

Jinx really felt for them, if it were up to her, she'd give them a chance, she didn't feel any ill will from the two men at all, but when Rick looked back at Daryl, he shook his head slightly. She felt a pang of irritation towards Daryl then, but she also understood that he was thinking of the best interests of the group so she let it go and they chained the fence shut so the prisoners wouldn't be back in their space.

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