Humanity's Savior

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~3 years later~
(Y/N) listened to the group babble as the Colossal Titan showed up. Eren and her ran at the thing and tried to kill it before it disappeared into dust. Eren grappled onto a wall as the girl fell. Her equipment was malfunctioning and she couldn't grapple the wall.
She braced her death, crying. She waited for impact, but it never came. She was caught by the one and only freckled boy, Marco. He grappled on the wall and the girl opened her eyes, staring into the irises she came to love.
"Marco..." She whispered and the boy grappled on the wall. He put the girl down and she already missed his warmth. No. She missed everything about the boy. The way he talked, his freckles, his smile, his eyes, and the way he woke up in the morning.
"We need to clear out the titans in Wall Rose!" A man ordered and everyone was grouped into different groups. (Y/N) was put on the front lines after she changed her gear.
Mikasa Ackerman, one of (Y/N)'s many friends, was sent with the girl to fight the titans.
~A Few Hours Later~
The groups were backing out from the fight and (Y/N) noticed a certain freckled boy wasn't backing out. Mikasa noticed that two of her closest friends weren't either. Mikasa and the girl informed the leader of their group that they were going to tell others to back out. The man scoffed and allowed them to got out to their deaths.
Mikasa flew faster than the girl, leaving her to fight alone. (Y/N) tried to catch up with Mikasa, but she got too far ahead. (Y/N) killed titans ruthlessly, as she made it to the small group of survivors. The freckled boy was in the group and the girl let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
(Y/N) noticed that Eren was missing from the group. She landed on the roof and noticed Mikasa talking to Armin. Armin looked shaken up. (Y/N) ran over to the boy to comfort him, but Mikasa blocked her.
Mikasa ran off, using more gas than she needed to. She ran out and fell off a roof. (Y/N) gasped and checked her gas. It was enough to save Mikasa, so she took the chance.
The group tried to keep her back as she flew over. She was right over the girl when she fell down with Mikasa. Titans came from both sides as the two kept trying to fight to survive.
They both wondered why they kept fighting, considering they had no one left. Another titan came over and fought the titan that tried to kill the two.
Armin came and helped Mikasa, not noticing the other girl's frail form. (Y/N) tried to push herself to get up, but she couldn't. Armin and Mikasa flew away, forgetting (Y/N).
"This is it, huh? Never expected to get this far and die, guess I was too kind for the world's cruelness," She said aloud, finally getting on her two feet. One was broken and the girl limped away.
"Why do I keep trying if I'm going to die, why?" She asked herself as she limped down the street.
"Give up already, you'll die soon, why do you continue?" She asked herself as a titan came over to kill her. She tried to turn around and run, but she gave up on that idea.
"Kill me already, I have no reason to be alive!" She yelled as the titan neared her. She started sobbing. She knew this is where she takes her leave on life.
The titan picked her up and held her near its mouth. She felt it drop her in its mouth.
"Goodbye, Marco," She said as she waited for the titan to chew on her. She felt not that, but the titan falling. She crawled out of it's mouth to see her savior.
(Y/N) saw Humanity's Greatest Soldier, Levi Ackerman.
"Tch, why weren't you fighting in its hand?" Levi asked.
"I didn't have any reason to, I'm out of gas, my family is dead, my boyfriend broke up with me, my friends forgot me, also, my ankle is broken, I'd die at some point, why fight it?" She explained.
"Fine, Brat, I'll leave you to dying then," Levi said and flew off. The girl continued to limp down the road. Making it to the HQ, she saw her 'friends' on a rooftop and others attacking titans. Many of the survivors got eaten. As they did, the girl walked past them, to the front doors of the HQ.
She opened the doors and walked to the basement. She stood on the stairs, wondering if she should use the last of her strength to jump and kill one of the titans.
As she decided, she saw others on the rafters. More came down shooting hellfire into the crowd of titans. The seven people on the rafters jumped down, killing 5 of the titans. Two of them missed. (Y/N) jumped from the stairs and killed one, as Mikasa killed the other.
Everyone gasped when they saw (Y/N). They had thought she died, but now she was close to it. They had run over to the girl. She was the one who made everyone smile, no matter what. She cared about others, never herself. She was brave. She had no gas, but still jumped down to kill the titans.
"(Y/N)!" Marco yelled and ran over to the bleeding girl.
"I-I d-did it, I-I s-saved them," (Y/N) said, coughing up blood.
"Why did you do it?" Marco asked the girl, crying.
"B-better t-to lose one t-than a-all," She said.
"We need to stop the bleeding, then someone needs to carry her home!" Armin shouted. People did what they were told. Marco went over to Jean to refill on gas.
"Don't worry about me, go, I can't let someone die for me," (Y/N) said to Armin.
"No, I can't let another friends die, we'll get you out of here!" Armin said, sobbing.
"Eren died for you to live, I won't let you kill yourself for me," She said, blacking out.

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