Chapter 1 part 3: Rogue's pov

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I was walking up to my dorm with my cat exceed Frosch. "Rogue do you have a feeling that something will happen tonight?" Frosch asked me "Yeah but their should be nothing to worry about." I told Frosch but still there has to be a reason why I have this feeling I told myself. We reached our dorm so we went inside we both got ready for bed. When we were in bed Frosch was asleep when I was awake thinking about why I had got that feeling. About an hour later I was slowly grifting off to sleep.

I felt I think was rain I saw two cat's awake already wait what......DID I JUST SAY CAT'S! We all talked for an hour then we all fell asleep.

When everyone else is woken up we had set off to go find a village.

The celestial and the dragon slayers turned into cat'sWhere stories live. Discover now