Chapter 5: Rogue and Gajeel get a owner

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Gajeel's pov

So bunny I mean cat girl and the shrimp has got an owner while just us boys are wondering around til."Hey their cuties can I adopt the two ones with black fur and red eyes?" He asked me and Rogue I think because we are the only ones with black fur and red eyes "Meow" we both told him "Ok let's go to my place."

The boy:

The boy:

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So we followed him home I was so happy but I don't know about Rogue.

Rogue's pov

When me and Gajeel were adopted I was thinking about Frosch,Lucy, and Wendy. Like what were they doing or are they ok?

When we get to the boys house of course he introduced himself his name is Mare. When we got inside he took us up to his room.

Mare's room:

Mare's room:

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He told us he shared a room with his sister so we agreed to that then we went in and got on his top bunk.

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