Epic Sword

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Dedicated to Blyzzynx
After the cat fight PuhBuhGuh died.
PBG found an epic sword. He grabbed it and he blacked out. He woke up and there were 4 OF HIM?!?!?!
There was an angry one the color of blue.
"Who are you?" Asked PBG.
"I'm PuhBuhGuh idiot I was the one that you cat fought." Said PuhBuhGuh.
The happy one was red.
"Who are you?" PBG asked.
"IM PEEBOO!" Said Peeboo.
PBG noticed the purple one sitting lonely playing his DS.
"Who are you?" Asked PBG.
"I'm raven I mean PeeBins." Said PeeBins.
PBG said to them all: "In PBG."
"Really? I thought you were Navi." Said PuhBuhGuh.
"Cool! I always wanted to meet PBG!" Said Peeboo.
"What ever" said PeeBins.
A person came from the sky.
"Hi my name is Blyzzynx but you can call me Blyzzynx. I gave that new sword of yours the power to do that." Said Blyzzynx.

PBGs epic Adventure in HyruleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin