Chapter 17

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It was the day after his meeting with the king, and Rylee already couldn't wait to be anywhere but where he currently was. Even being inundated with work at the lakeside mansion was by far a better option, in Rylee's mind. He stood beside Liander at the royal grounds adjacent the castle. The land was filled with dense foliage, mostly tall trees with swooping branches, long grass and mid-size bushes. The towering mountain ranges rose within clear view from where they stood.

Reluctantly both men had woken up at the crack of dawn to meet the crown prince and his hunting party. Draven was in excellent spirits, laughing jovially with his friends. Jowan seemed to be alert, observing the crown prince with a shadow of a frown on his face. Rylee in turn watched the both of them, unease creeping into his already disgruntled mind. He recalled Jowan's stunned reaction from the day before. Turning to Liander, he whispered, "Something doesn't seem right. Keep your eyes open, especially on Draven." Liander nodded his agreement.

Today, everyone was going hunting on foot, bows and arrows at the ready. Liander knew that Rylee's skills as a swordsman were average at best, but as a bowman he was uncontested. For someone like Draven, whose inflated ego led him to believe himself superior in every aspect, to invite a person far more skilful than himself for the hunt in itself drew suspicion.

When the hunt officially began, Jowan and his men immediately turned in the direction opposite to that of Draven. Rylee and Liander exchanged glances before deciding to head away from both brothers. They walked unhurriedly through the forest, not at all bothered with catching any prey. Rylee readjusted his wrist guards as they continued on. Besides the wrist guards, both he and Liander carried a quiver filled with arrows strapped to their waists. Rylee also wore a pair of leather gloves to protect his fingers. A cool wind began to rustle the trees, dislodging leaves and sending them fluttering to the ground. Liander brushed a few leaves off his hair in annoyance. A good half hour passed in silence before anything happened.

The faintest of whistling sounds caught Rylee's ear. Without pause he instinctively turned to push Liander, sending them both diving to the soft ground of the forest. An arrow flew overhead, hitting the bark of a nearby tree with a loud thunk! With the expertise of one who had mastered the bow from young, Rylee, still partially laying on the ground, nocked an arrow to the bow, and let loose in the direction of the enemy. A muffled yell preceded the sound of something falling from a tree, as branches snapped. Rylee and Liander waited anxiously for a second attack but it never came.

Carefully, they moved to inspect the hooded man lying on the ground with an arrow through the heart. "Excellent shot," Liander murmured before uncovering the mask on the man's face. "Recognise him?"

Rylee answered in the negative, a feeling of dismay creeping into him. As a Healer, he took great pride in curing those who needed his help. Today however, he was forced to do the opposite, taking a life. Even though he was given no choice, his heart was weight down by the burden of killing another. It was not the first time he'd done it to protect his life, and it would likely not be the last time either. There was one thing Rylee was sure of; it never got easier taking a life. Looking at Liander, he murmured, "Let's head back."

Shortly after they returned, Jowan and his men returned as well, looking like they hadn't actually gone very far to begin with. Two hours later, Draven and his followers returned, looking rather disappointed that both brothers were still alive. Exchanging some idle talk, the group soon dispersed.

Rylee and Liander remained silent throughout their journey back. When they reached Rylee's chambers, both men reached for pencil and paper, unsure if spies lurked nearby.

'Did he really think he could kill you with one bowman hiding in a tree?' Liander scribbled. 'And how did he intend to explain your deaths? Two princes accidently shot dead at the same hunt? Ridiculous!'

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