Chapter 26

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The capital of Blue was a seaside city, its humble beginnings a village by the sea that grew until it reached miles inland. Although initially badly damaged in the war, post-war rebuilding had been swift, and the newly-renovated White Harbour City was a sight to behold. The harbour was remade bigger and better to accommodate even more ships.

The royal palace was located further inland, on high ground, a sprawling stone building twice as long as it was wide, surrounded by well-manicured gardens. A unique characteristic of the architecture of the palace was its arched entrances and doorways, defining it from the other buildings throughout the city. The stone structure had withstood the fire, although most of the original furniture had to be replaced.

Standing at a window outside the hallway that lead to the royal court, Rylee observed the ships in the distance, their white sails dotting the blue of the ocean. Outwardly he appeared calm and relaxed, but inwardly he was frightened of today's important meeting. Several months had passed since their departure from the lakeside mansion to the palace residence. In that time, Rylee had come to realise that he had severely underestimated the hate he'd be receiving from the nobles as well as the common folk.

It was no secret the relationship he had with Grey, though for the most part, he only had to contend with the hostility from those within the royal court. A few days ago, the most powerful noble houses had made a request for the king to justify the freedoms given to Rylee considering he was an enemy with the potential to incite future trouble. Most had openly called for his imprisonment, some casually hinting for his execution. Although Grey was king, he still needed the support of the nobles to remain in power. The last thing the kingdom needed was a power struggle amongst the aristocracy. They were now convened within the court, awaiting the king and Rylee.

Footsteps behind him alerted him to the presence of Evand. "It's time to go in," he said with a smile. Rylee smiled back before following behind him as they entered the dome shaped court area. Many people stood packed in a semicircle standing area. Across from them stood the king's seat. Evand motioned for Rylee to stand in the middle. Not long after, a herald announced the king, as Grey headed straight to his seat. On his head he wore a gold crown, with a blue stone as its centrepiece, its colour matching the blue of the king's eyes.

Standing beside the king, Evand addressed the crowd, "Today we have formally gathered here to discuss the issue of Prince Rylee of Aura. Let us hear the complaint."

An elderly man approached the little podium near the middle of the court. Rylee recognised him as a respected army general. He stopped, clearing his throat before beginning, "Your Majesty, I represent those who have called for this meeting to voice our concerns regarding the presence of the prince in the royal palace. We must object to his freedom to roam as he pleases, and we cannot help but ponder his influence with sensitive matters related to the policies implemented in Aura as well as Blue. We wish no disrespect against His Majesty when voicing our concern as loyal citizens of this country."

Grey remained expressionless, "Do you doubt my ability to make clear and beneficial decisions for our people without outside interference?"

Another noblewoman hurried to the podium to speak, her voice earnest. "We clearly respect Your Majesty, but this man is a danger to your foothold over Aura. He is the remaining heir to the throne. Others will use his name to start an uprising the same way you led yours, Your Majesty."

Grey answered in an even tone, "The administration of Aura has been given to Prince Elerion. I do not interfere with or make decisions for him. He and I are sworn blood brothers. I trust and believe he will not betray me.

"As for the reason why Prince Rylee has been given his freedom, it is because he did not partake in the invasion of Blue nor did he have prior knowledge of it. I can vouch for that as he was held prisoner in the desert with me during the time the invasion was underway."

Shocked murmurs filled the court. The story of Grey's capture by the bandits was not new, but Rylee's inclusion in the story was. Grey continued on, "Not only that, it was the prince who saved my life, helping in my escape and eventual return to Blue. However, if this does not placate your hearts, then the prince would like to make an official announcement." Hearing this, the crowd fell silent, all eyes tuned to the blond man standing in the middle.

Rylee nodded nervously at the king before turning to address the crowd, "I formally renounce my claim to the throne of Aura and reject any future participation or official positions within the administration of the governing body of Aura. I relinquish all my possessions to King Greyson to do as he pleases, and vow to remain his faithful subject. It shall be let known in all of Aura."

The royal court broke into clamour as the nobles voiced their disbelief and shock. Most of them were unsure what to make of the revelations but the sharper ones' bit back their displeasure as they understood that the king would be keeping his lover. They now no longer had a reason to call for the execution of the former prince, although this was by no means an end to their malevolence.


"Whew, am I glad that's over," Rylee said, his voice jovial, as he lay on the soft pillows of the couch in the kings' quarters. Nearby, Grey removed his crown, carefully placing it on a soft pillow within a wooden box by the side table.

Grey joined him on the couch, snuggling close. "Me too." He turned to look at the Healer. "Actually, I have a present for you."

"Oh?" Rylee's curiosity was piqued. "Hold out your hand," Grey said with a smile. Rylee humoured Grey as he placed something in his hand before pressing his fingers closed. Rylee felt two cool objects in the middle of his enclosed palm. Slowly he opened his fingers to reveal two gold bands, each with a small blue stone embedded in the middle.

His brown eyes widened as he stared at the rings before looking back at Grey. "I had them made at the same time my crown was being made. The blue sapphire you gave me was placed as the centrepiece of my crown. When they cut it, there were still some pieces left over which were placed into our rings," Grey explained.

"Help me put it on," Rylee softly requested. Grey picked up one of the rings and slipped it on his ring finger. Rylee did the same for Grey, before stretching his hand in front of him and thinking, 'So simple and beautiful'.

Grey quietly said, "You know what this means right? You're stuck with me from now on."

Rylee leaned in for a kiss, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

A few days after Grey gave him the ring, an important visitor arrived at the palace. The bandit king had come to pay a visit, dressed in his signature black robes. He was ushered into Grey's personal study room where both men shook hands warmly. "You little shit. You left me all alone in Aura while you chased after your lover. I've had to figure out how to run the bloody place and get rid of incompetent fools!"

Grey unsympathetically answered, "Think of it as a trial run in preparation for running your home country when the time comes."

Prince Elerion snorted. "Since I'm here, won't you introduce me to your little lover?" As if on cue, Rylee entered the study in search of Grey. Both men stared at each other in surprise. Grey took the opportunity to make introductions, "Prince Elerion, meet Rylee, former prince of Aura."

The black clothed man was shocked senseless, his mouth moving but no sound emanating. Pointing at Rylee he finally shouted, "You!!" Rylee smiled uncertainly. "Um yeah, we've met before in the caves."

Elerion had turned an unhealthy shade of grey. "If you're here, then...who the fuck did I send to my sister?!"

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