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Hey guys! I've started writing this short story for an award. I hope you like it. Share your thoughts of how you like it and if there is some grammatical mistakes in it. Hope you enjoy reading it.
Happy reading, sweets!!


I found myself surrounded with a fresh minty earthly masculine scent. It was a toxic cocktail  of aroma and a smile pulled on my face as I felt myself drowning in the warmth of that aroma. I would recognize that scent anywhere since it has become my favourite and has really grown on me. I was still smiling as I felt something shaking. What is happening! Is this an earthquake? Is closet a safe place to stay? Oh no! Closet!!!!

I panicked and quickly opened my eyes and they met with a smoky grey pairs. I jumped back in surprise bumping my head hard and I heard a chuckle. I glared at the person as I rubbed my head.

“ Were you trying to spy on me, Cassidy? ” He smirked.

“ Why would I do that, Nicholls?” I said glaring at him.

“ Because you find me irresistibly hot and you can’t deny yourself of it  even if you can’t admit it.” He was grinning.

“ In your dreams Nicholls.”

“ Ow! I am hurt babes” he said faking hurt.

I shook my head but couldn’t stop the slight smile that came on my face. “ You have a very fragile ego Mr. Egomaniac”

He laughed as he pulled me out of his closet. “ Glad to know my closet has been the comfiest bed and next time you want to sleep you can use my bed, babes.” He said trying hard not to laugh.

“ Whatever. What time is it?”

“ Um... after 7” He said confused.

“ She. Is. Dead.” I said through gritted teeth.

“ Uh-huh. Dare?”

“ Yeah. Your dear sister Elena is such a cheat. She dared me to hide in your room saying you weren’t home and she’ll get me out of here  in an hour and until then I have to save myself from getting caught or I will face punishment and I have been here for like 4 hours and she hasn’t come in yet. Oh wait. You didn’t tell her that you saw me right? Wait answer that later. First lock that door.”

“ Well I am very interested in the punishment that got you locked in a room with me.” He said smirking while he locked the door and walked towards me all the while making me hyperaware that he has just showered and still in his towel. I blushed and look away.

“ So.... you telling me the punishment or I’ve to find it out later?” He has an evil grin on his face.

“ Nicholls.. I swear if you tell her...”

“ Then tell me”

“ Um it’s either I hide in your room without getting caught by you or doing your house just a towel...”

He was silent for a few seconds and I tried to calm my breathing. This is the most embarrassing dare so far and trust me that the numbers are quiet large since we have been doing them for as long as we have been friends and that is like since we have been in kindergarten.

Elena Nicholls is my best friend and dude she is an amazing friend- loving, caring and funny but she can be so crazy at time that it would end with us doing somethings we shouldn’t do. We have been giving dares and punishment to each other since we understood what they mean but growing up, the level has grown too. Lately her dares for me always involves her brother suspiciously and well she knows about my not so little crush on him  so it doesn’t tale a genius to know she is trying to set us up and I love her for it but instead of us getting  close it is mostly ending in my embarrassment. Sadly.

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