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Hey guys!! Thank you so much for your support. I hope you enjoy reading this short story. ☺☺
Happy reading, sugar!!


“ Be my girlfriend” He said out of the blue after what felt an eternity.

I stared at him not believing what he said, my mouth fluttering open and closed multiple times.

He smiled at me cockily and then it clicked how I was making a fool of myself hoping for something which will never happen.

“ Get lost” I said angrily. How could he choose to prank me on something like this as if it were a joke. I could feel the tears building in my eyes and anger and embarrassment burning with them thinking I was so stupid to believe it for a moment. He don’t do girlfriends, just one nights with those fake bimbos and it was just a comeback to my snide comment and yet I let him affect me. I made a utter fool of myself by letting him know how I couldn’t believe it, how I was hoping it could be true.

I pushed him away and moved towards my bed when he twirled me around in his arms as he looked at my face closely. I was glad the room was dark because I didn’t want him to see how upset I am that it was a joke and not real.

In the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the windows, he examine my face closely before his smirk disappeared completely  and a look of guilt took over.

“ Fuck” he cursed as he pulled me into a hug. As hard as I tried to pull away, he held me just as tight.

“ I am sorry Amber. Really sorry.  I didn’t mean to upset you. I didn’t think you would be this upset or I wouldn’t have said that. Shit I  am making this bad.”

He pulled away slightly as he exhaled and look at me in the eyes.

“ Amber. Um... ah fuck it.” He groans in frustration before looks straight at me. “ I know I am an douche. I mean I should have... I don’t know how to say...”

“What is it Michael?” I asked worriedly seeing him fumble with words and feeling guilty. He never apologizes but right now he is no longer the cocky ass instead he is the caring sweet guy and I feel bad to be mad at him so I let him continue whatever he was telling.

“ You remember the favour I told you I’ll tell about later.”

“ Um ....yeah and where are you going with it exactly? I mean be my girlfriend and now the favour?” I  asked him frowning as all my anger is now replaced by worry seeing him fidgeting as he rub the back of his neck nervously.

He switch on the lights and points me to sit on the bed while he drags the desk chair to sit across from me

“ Listen Amber I need your serious help and that is what this favour is about. Stop. Before you start interrogating me let me finish.” I nodded silently and he smiled at me  gratefully as he nodded at me and continued. “ I know you think I am a big player who doesn’t have a heart to fall in love but..” he took a pause to see my expression and when he was convinced I was listening to him, he continued but the next words out of his mouth left me with a cocktail of stormy emotions.

“ there is this amazing girl that made me feel things I never felt and I want to date her but I don’t know how to woo her, ask her out or how to date in general since I never date anyone and she is so much like you that I want you to be my girlfriend for a week and show me how to date and what you would prefer for on your first date.”

To say I was shocked would be an understatement of the decade as I felt the frown etched on my forehead deepening as his words register.

But before I could respond to any of it he hastily added, “ You don’t have to do something you don’t want to. Okay? We just have to hangout a little more and maybe alone so you can really help me with planning everything without all our friends and my sister breathing down my neck and to escape the whole teasing and uncomfortable situations. Only if you are comfortable. And since you will be  staying here for the week it’s gonna be easy to spend sometime together like we used to. I mean even though we fight all the times and pretend to be tolerating each other just enough,  you are my first and only best friend Cassidy who has been there since the start and who can help me right now because she know I am a dumbass.”

And I couldn’t stop the smile that spread on my face.  There was a moment of a silence as I looked at him.

There was a sadness in his eyes reflecting the one in mine. Because yeah we used to be best of friends but with all the attention and the new friends and the girls falling all over him and my stupid crush and jealousy we just got a little distanced. I tried to get over my crush on him but couldn’t so I tried to distance myself from him. I frown thinking about how I didn’t notice this all through the time.

But enough. I will have to stop behaving childishly and be a good best friend for him when he needs my help and pull on my big girl pants and get over my stupid crush. I am going to be happy for him that he found a girl he really like enough to make him want to change his playboy ways without caring for his repo.

“ You really like her, don’t you?” I smiled softly to which be smiled nervously and gave a small nod.

“ Yeah. I do like her.”

I nod contemplating my next comment before coming up with a  good one.

“ So then mister dumbass get your wallet and yourself ready for the chaos your life will be in the whole week.” I said cockily.

It took him a moment to register what I said but when it did, we both were grinning so hard with a million watt smile on our faces and he pull me up and into his embrace into a tight hug.

“ I missed you and this all Cassidy”, he whispered and I hugged him back.

“ I missed you and this too Nicholls”, I said my voice muffled by his tshirt. I was in a cocoon of warmth as his warm familiar scent surround us in a little bubble.

“ I’ll see you tomorrow my girlfriend.” He said grinning before kissing my forehead.

I swatted his face away as I fake glared at him but my smile just gave it away.

“ Yeah boyfriend and be careful with the act. You wouldn’t want to crawl around.” I said sweetly and he laughed and soon we were both laughing as we said goodnight and then I was in my room alone with my thoughts.

This is the side of Michael I always liked, the carefree one but I still like him with all his cockiness even when he is being a jerk instead of hating him because in my mind subconsciously I did know he was still the same the guy.

I felt the wetness on my neck where the tears had sprung down my eyes  as I rest my head against the headboard of the bed letting go of the storm that was brewing within my heart.

He loves someone else and wants me to help him woo the girl. I felt anger at myself for not having the courage to express my feelings and him for not having a hint of what he  was doing to me, of me having these stupid feelings for him and jealousy and hatred for the mystery girl I don’t even know.

What am I doing to myself? I am not going to do something stupid to hurt him. He deserves his chance at love even if I hurt a little because he doesn’t love me like that.

I wipe my tears as I look myself in the mirror and vowed to myself to help him. I will not hold back from any efforts I have to put in and do my best because he trust me as his best friend and we do everything for our friends happiness and I have two reasons to want his happiness as he is my best friend and my love.

All this time I was running from myself so I don’t have to accept the fact that I love him and it is not just infatuation and crush but I am tired of running.

Yes I love him.

And I don’t regret it.

Just feel a little sorry for myself that my first love will stay hidden inside my heart and we will be just best friends.

But hey at least now I can move on and atleast have my best friend back to me like it used to be in the old times.

It feels good to just accept then resist.

I smiled and nodded my head at my reflection in mirror before turning off the lights and letting sleep take over.


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I hope you are enjoying the story so far.
Keep reading and Stay safe!! 💛💛
I'll update the next chapter soon. Till then,

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