n i n e

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I edited a lot of chapters. Go check out the summary and chapter two, its like amazing.


Life is like a ball of pain. Its a bottle because you can seal all your emotions and have walls protecting you before some idiot comes and takes away everything you once were. If you are lucky, some people will just throw you aside and you will get lost at some point.

Others could be as fragile as glass. You can not shatter it without getting some pieces on you after you broke something so strong. Some people are too strong to be broken; you need a rocket to break them. Others are easy to break; almost like stealing candy from a baby

What I am concluding is that there are two types of people in this world; the shattered glass or empty people who been pushed past their limits or the ones who broke them in the first place, even taking a few memories with them.

Life is like a blindfold. It covers you from the real danger. It masks itself with fake light, creating a fake happiness. You would have never expected it.

That was why I kept to myself; I tried shielding myself from the dangers of life and death. I concluded over time, in the past years, we are not living (obviously) but dying. Some mistake it for "aging" and "growing." I do not blame them. It is a tragic truth that fills you with grief and drains you from all that happines you thought was real. It grasp you before taking you away. I wanted to be in another world for so long, but now I am over it.

I am over it because I was finally pulled back to the present, not knowing that I was fighting angry waves of the storm inside me. I can not explain my journey of arriving here from being brought back from my old lonely world. Everything was a blur, but the thought of going back to those days and leaving my current state would be just as worse as burning in the pit of hell and not dying. Just burning for the rest of my life and the fire keeps getting hotter and hotter.

I began thinking of life. We are forced into it, its what we do to distract us from the afterlife. It was what I was in a raging fight against, yet I did not know until now it was protecting me from the mystery of the afterlife. Could it really be a nice ending, or a horrible nightmare? Would it be life a dream? A delightful dream full of happy endings? It was what I wanted. Or would it be a nightmare? Worse than my own dark thoughts?

If I ever die would I actually meet someone so darkly "in love" as Riley, a person so cruel as Natalie's father and/or a person as dead and faded as Natalie Emily? Hi I do not mean to interupt your reading but if you want a Character Asks put your questions. I need at least five different people :)

I have never been so confused before.


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