Dare for Shadow

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Me: Hey Bells, we got another dare!

Bella: Oooo yay! Who's it for this time?

Sonic: *Really excited* Is it me Saph!?

Me: Calm down Sonic! Hehe, Actually it's for Shadow

Shadow: Me?!

Sonic: Faker!?

Shadow: What was that blue boy?!

Bella: Hey, hey, hey. Let's not have another argument guys ok?

Me: Bella is right

Sonic & Shadow: Fine...

Shadow: What have I got to do now?

Bella: Well it's from JMXD_3, they want Shadow to tell a joke and if nobody laughs then he has to wear a pink dress *trying not to laugh*

Sonic: *Laughing like mad*

Me: *covering her face full of laughter*

Shadow: Shut it faker!

Sonic: Make me!

Me: I swear to God... I will bang both of your heads together if you don't both shut up

Shadow: Fine... Um let's see a joke...

Sonic: This should be good

Shadow: *stares daggers at Sonic*

Bella: Oooo if looks could kill, you'd be dead by now Sonic

Me: Yup

Shadow: I can only hope hmph

Sonic: I heard that!

Me & Bella: Boys!

Sonic & Shadow: Sorry girls...

Me & Bella: Thank you

Shadow: I have a joke

Me: Good let's hear it we are all waiting

Shadow: Ok, why are pirates called pirates?

Sonic: We don't know why?

Shadow: Cause they arrr!

*Everybody just looks at Shadow not laughing*

Shadow: Oh come on that was funny!

Bella: it really wasn't Shadow sorry but that means...

Me: you have to wear the pink dress *trying not to laugh*

Sonic: Laughing his head off*

Shadow: Oh God... Let's just get this over with... *goes and puts the pink dress on*

Me: This is gonna be hilarious XD

Bella: Hehe I can't wait for this *takes out camera*

*Shadow comes out in the pink dress*

*Everyone is dying with laughter*

Shadow: God this is embarrassing... *Blushing*

Me & Bella: *dying of how cute Shadow looks in the dress X3*

Sonic: *Blushing*

Me: Bro, you ok there?

Sonic: *snaps out of daydream and clears throat* Y-yeah I'm fine I just need the bathroom *runs to the bathroom*

Bella: Awwwww I think someone has a crush X3

Me: Yup X3

Sonic & Shadow: WHAT!? *Sonic from the bathroom*

Bella: Ok I think we better end it there we hope you liked it

Me: Please like and comment if any of you have any other dares or truths

Everyone: Bye see you all next time!

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