A dare for Sonic and Shadow and a surprise for Sonadow fans X3

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Me: Guys! Get in here! We have another dare!

Bella: Awesome! Can't wait! Who's it for Saph?

Me: Its for Sonic and Shadow, its from à good friend of mine called Shadow606

Sonic: Aw yeah! What do we have to do then?

Shadow: Oh for fuck sake, why am i with faker again?

Sonic: Hey!

Bella: Guys, Calm down!

Me: Yes, Please

Sonic and Shadow: Fine...

Me: *smiles* Right ok, she wants you to do the whisper challenge *laughs* OMG! YES!

Bella: -Laughing-

Sonic and Shadow: Oh Crap...

Bella: Right ok, Sonic put these on -gives him the headphones-

Sonic: Ok -puts them on-

Me: Bro, can you hear us?

-Can't hear a thing-

Me: Ok good, Right ok Shadow you have to say something to Sonic and he has to try and repeat it back reading your lips

Shadow: -Sigh- Fine -Thinks of something-

-Sonic is looking at Shadow puts his thumb up and Sonic agrees-

Shadow: Sonic i'm in love with you and i wanna be with you cause i love

-Me and Bella sat there in shock but thinks its cute-

Sonic: -Tries to read lips- You hate me but your in love with me *Blushing*

-Me and Bella are laughing-

Shadow: *Facepalm*

Sonic: -Takes headphones off- Did i get it right?

Me: Well... you did sort of...

Bella: Yeah...

Shadow: I said that i was in love with you and i wanted to be with you and i love you... *Gives a sexy smirk then leans closer to Sonic*

Sonic: Shadow what are yo-

- Kisses Sonic and his eyes widen but he Kisses back-

Me: Wow...

Bella: Yeah...

Me: i didn't see that coming but this is so CUTE!


-Breaks kiss-

Sonic: Well um *blushes*

Shadow: I hope you enjoyed the dare Shadow606 with a little surprise

Me: Ok like Shadow said hope you enjoyed

Bella: See you all next time!

Sonic: B-bye

Shadow: *Smirks and nodds*

Me: The Fangirls and Fanboys are gonna go CRAZY!

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