A dare for everyone

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Me: *just in the kitchen*

Bella: *runs in* Saph! We've got another dare!

Me: *Nearly falling off her chair from Bella making her jump* w-we do?

Bella: Sorry... and yeah we do

Me: it's ok you just made me jump that's all hehe and cool who's it for?

Bella: Everyone

Me: Really?! Wow... I can't wait for this then hehe

Bella: Guys, get in here! We've got dares for you all!

*Everyone comes in*

Me: Ok the dares are from Babygirlfai22, First dare goes to Amy

Amy: Yay!

Me: She wants you to dance to Frozen in front of Sonic

Amy: Yay! I can do that!

*Bella stares daggers at Amy*

Me: *underneath breathe* Oh God this isn't gonna end well... *Whispers to Bella* play nice *just looks at her and smiles*

Bella: *Whispers back* Don't worry she isn't worth my time anyway

*Amy dances to frozen in front of Sonic*

Sonic: *Blushes* well that was kinda embarrassing *Scratching his head*

Amy: That was for you Sonikku *winks at him and goes to cuddle up to him*

*Bella growls*

Me: *stands in between her and Sonic* whoa! Ok hehe that's enough now Amy hehe go and sit down

Amy: *looks at me and goes and sits down*

Sonic: *sigh of relief and looks at me and mouths* Thank you sis

Me: *winks at Sonic and mouths* no problem *then nods at Bella and Bella smiles and nods back*

Bella: Ok on with the next dare, she now wants Shadow to eat skittles and him get high on them *tries not to laugh*

Shadow: Are you actually kidding me?

Bella: Nope

Me: You've got to do it it's a dare Shadow *teases him*

Shadow: The Ultimate Lifeform never backs down from anything!

Me: Yeah,yeah we know just do it already *smirks at him*

Shadow: *Looks at me and just smirks* *Gets a bag of skittles and eats them*

Bella: So how'd ya feel?

Shadow: I feel... *sugar kicks in* *smiles so happily* Hehehe I feel good, I feel so giddy *starts being hyper*

*Everyone is laughing like mad*

Me: And final well it's not really a dare but everyone is aloud cookies!

Everyone: Yay!

Bella: Well this just about wraps up for today we hope that you enjoyed this and we gonna enjoy our cookies yum

Me: Yes, So thank you babygirlfai22 hope you liked it and please comment and vote!

Bella: See you all next time!

Everyone: Bye *Everyone waves*

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