pool day

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is apart of the avengers cast and you and scarlett are secretly in love with eachother, everyone knows it exept the both of you who are scared to do anything about your feelings.


s pov

today RDJ had everyone in the original marvel cast come round to his house for food andto chill by\in the pool.

I am wearing shorts and a sports bra because I was unawear of the fact the we would be going in the pool but oh well its not that big of a deal.

"wheres scarlett?" I ask lizzie Olsen, she then sends me a cheeky grin and I roll my eyes and gently push her shoulder.

"shes coming, don't worry your girlfriend is fine" she says in a mocking tone. once again I roll my eyes at her playfulness.

"hey bitches" one of my best friends Anthony Mackie shouts walking into Roberts back garden. "there she is" lizzie says pointing in anthonys direction.

"okay im going to see my baby Sebastian, Scar your wife is over there" she shoves over to me winking at me in the process.

fuck she looks good, shes wearing a baby blue bikini, which really brings out the greeny blue in her eyes, and her hair in a messy bun. small strands of hair flawlessly falling down the side of her face.

"hey" she simply states while sitting between me and lizzie on roberts day bed. " are you okay?" I politely ask she lets out a long sigh and rests her head on my shoulder. lizzie randomly starts coughing and childishly repeating " im going to let you two love birds talk" with that she gets up and walks over in Florence pughs direction. and we both laugh at her.

"whats happened?" I asked scarlett while intertwining our fingers. me and scarlett have a weird relationship, we have drunkenly hooked up a few times but we are still great friends and I love scarlett but, the though of being in a fully commited relationship right not is actually quite frightening.

"me and colin are getting a divorce" she simply states. fuck. what the fuck am I supposed to say to that, good! finally you have come to your senses to get rid of that slimy motherfucker. or even better. now you can be with me without having to hide it!.

" jesus, I wasn't expecting that"

" don't act like you haven't been waiting for me to tell you this" she says with a cheeky, side-grin. I let out a laugh at her comment and I place her head back on my shoulder to get her to stop looking at me.

the thing is with scarlett is that sometimes she gives me the eyes, she knows exactly what shes doing because we have spoken about it before. "the eyes?" she questions.




"I love you" "I love you too scar"

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