I am not other girls.

10 1 7

I arrived to school and met my freind Jhon and Tim.
I waved at them and runned to them.
Tim patted my head so did John.
Then a group of girls headed to tell me hello.

Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing.

I don't really have some "girl freinds" I prefer boys.
Like girls only talk about makeup and stuff, but boys are way chiller and funnier, so yeah I prefer boys.
I didn't really know what to do so i hid behind Tim.

I mean I'm so small so I can fit behind him 🥺

I am only 1'68 cm.

The bell rang so we ran to class. We have math.
I sit down at my usual place, next to John and behind Tim.
We have a quizz. I was so busy crying that I forgot it.


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