Glimpse of 3035[A New Beginning or Ending]

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FYI : You may think of skipping this chapter if you don't wanna get bored. But I strongly recommend you not to skip because this information will help you understand the further events in the story with ease.

In this fast moving technological world, humans too are bound to move in pace with it so as to keep themselves alive and not sink into idleness.Here in future, the idleness and loneliness is the most dangerous phase any human can go through. So dangerous that it may even lead them to their death.Even guns and nuclear weapons could not do this trick!

 The reason for this is the human kind itself. Running behind technology, money, resources, and so on that in the meantime you forget your feelings, your pursuit to find permanent happiness, peace and at last you lose yourself fully.This is a never ending GAME...Once you start running you have to keep running...if you stop you may lose everything and there's no turning back.

So as to not sink into loneliness, unhappiness which are the paths to your own grave, a company was found by Jack and he named it, "The Fixers" where people's broken heart gets fixed by his workers and let me tell you he is the only human in his company and all workers(fixers) are "ROBOTS".

By this time, the number of people getting their hearts broken has risen so much that the demand for the fixers rapidly increased and so now it has become a ratio of 1 : 1000 of the robots and humans respectively.

As much as we can say we are developed, we should also note that the human kind has become so much dependent on the technology that one day, if we are not aware, the world may fully go under the AI control which will of course end our lives in tragedy. now you're thinking, is this gonna be a story about environmental issues, mental issues or an upcoming war between robots and humans?

You're not fully wrong though! The above said plus it's just gonna be us watching people's heart getting broken and getting fixed with some drama of course... lol! But what if I tell you this is a story about the feelings between a robot and a human?

I know you're probably thinking, "Are you kidding me!?Robots and Feelings in one single sentence is impossible!" But then, let's find out. Come on... Don't be shy, hop in with me on this journey. I swear I have one of the world's finest ride(insert *wink wink* here. LOL). 

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