The Betrayal [Chapter 2]

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Arya P.O.V. [10/08/3035] 

It said,

"This Business Agreement is made between Arya (the first party) representing "The Fixers" and Mr. Ralph (the second party). The tenure of this agreement is from 11/08/3035 to 11/08/3040. None of the party can withdraw the business services before the completion of the tenure.

Therefore the parties agree as follows:

Description of the business:

     1) The first party agrees to follow the rules and also every work small/big given by the second party.

     2) The first party agrees to keep this business as a secret and never tell anyone even if their life is on the line.

     3) If a situation arises, where the first party has to surrender, they agree to self destruct themselves before they get the information about this out.

     4) The first party agrees to not ask any unwanted questions about this but to keep silent and just follow the given instructions like how every robot does.

     5) If the first party breaks any of the above given rules, they will be considered as a liability which will lead them to their destruction asap.

Details of payment involved:

     1) As long as the above given rules are followed by the first party, the business relationship between the companies, "The Fixers" and "The Aldine's" will move forward strong and very much supportive of each other.

     2) The 20% of amount that is made from this will be given to the first party and the rest will be owned by the second party.

It was then signed by Ralph as the second party and also my boss's signature was there for the approval of using me for this job! Wow! My boss really did sell me!

This seems dangerous, very DANGEROUS!

Aaannddd...Ah ah! There it is! The blank where I had to sign as the first party.I thought for a while. This seems like a contract where if I agree and proceed, it would lead to bad endings where a lot of people would get hurt. But also the thought that I'm just a robot and is made just to follow the instructions that the humans give me, kept popping up from time to time. 

I'm programmed to have no feelings, right? So why should I not agree? But wait, I'm programmed in such a way as to know the difference between a good and a bad motive, and to follow the good one and work in a way that helps and protects humans. So this gives me a chance... a reason... to disagree.

Yes! I'm 200% sure! Tomorrow when I meet that stinky old man I'm gonna disagree and tear this agreement in front of his face! Okayyy... maybe not the tearing part but yes, I'm gonna disagree.

Whoo! I feel relieved and happy. I feel like I chose to do something good for the world.

I looked at the clock, it was 9 p.m. Oh no! I guess I wasted too much time on this agreement thinking. I have to go get charged or I'm gonna DIE! Hehe... I know it was a little dramatic but robots love drama too! Duh! Well, that's what I'm hoping is the truth. I'm starting to doubt if I'm really a robot. My activities make me doubt myself. If I think about this anymore, I'm gonna explode due to the heating of my system due to all these over-thinking activities today. 

Sleep mode: ON.

Tomorrow is a new day and gonna be a good day!

Regg's P.O.V [10/08/3035] 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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