Chapter One

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Nine years later

"Di!" Dinah heard Cameron yell as she walked down the hallway.

"Hey Cam."

"Can you look at this new sketch I did? I want your opinion." He said as he handed his sketchbook out to her.

"Oh my god Cam. This is amazing. The detail on the flowers is incredible."


They were interrupted as they saw some jocks picking on a girl named Yolonda.

"Hey! Leave her alone." Dinah called out to them.

"Or what?" They replied.

Dinah stepped closer to them. "You really want to mess with me?" She asked, staring the guy down.

"Come on guys, let's get out of here."

"That's what I thought."

"You didn't need to do that. I had it under control." Yolonda said to Dinah.

"I just wanted to help out Yolonda. I hate bullies."

"Yeah well I had it under control." Yolonda said as she zipped up her backpack and walked off.

Dinah sighed as her and Cameron continued walking.

"I feel so bad for her." Cameron said.

"Me too. I just wish everyone knew the truth about what really happened that day."

"Well we could tell everyone."

"And who would believe us? We would be going up against the queen b and everyone is terrified of her. Even if people did believe us, no one is going to go against her."

Rick Harris walked by at that moment, him and Dinah making eye contact.

"I still don't understand what happened with you guys." Cameron said.

"His uncle is what happened. He threatened my dad if either of us came near them."


"I don't know." Dinah replied, even though she did know why.

"Hey, do you wanna go to the drive in movie tonight? My dad's working late."

"He's been working late a lot recently."

"Yeah. He's working on a big project."

"Okay. A movie sounds great. You wanna stop at the diner first to get food?"

"Of course. We can't break our ritual."

"I think if we broke our ritual, the whole world would crumble."

"True. So I guess for the sake of humanity, we better not."


"Alright. Meet me at my locker after school?"


Later that evening, Cameron and Dinah sat in the diner eating their food.

"So did you hear there's a new girl?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah. Courtney Whitmore."

"Oh you know her name already?" Dinah asked with a smirk.

"It's not like that. She's in my last period. She sits behind me. She is kinda cute though."

"Just kinda?" Dinah teased.

"I literally just met her Di."

"I know. Well if this does turn into something more, I'm going to need her address, phone number, social security number, and all of her social media accounts to run a background check. Also, I need to meet her to get a feel for the type of person she is."

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