02|Maria Stark Survived...

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╔══════≪≫°✺°≪ ≫══════╗02|Maria Stark Survived

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02|Maria Stark Survived...
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On the 16th of December 1991, a so called accident caused the tragic deaths of Maria and Howard Stark. In reality, it had been their long lost friend Bucky under HYDRA's control who had caused them to crash and than killed them. But what if something happened before the accident...?

Maria's fingers danced over the piano, she played her sister's favourite song with a smile on her face. Her son was sprawled out over a nearby couch, a red santa hat on his face.

"Try to remember the kind of September. When grass was green..." Maria's voice died when her husband strolled into the room, but her fingers continued to play. Howard smiled down at his love and pressed a kiss to her temple and Maria leaned into his touch. "Wake up, dear, and say goodbye to your father."

The eldest Stark straightened his back and peered at the couch to see his son. Tony's stained shirt that had rode up to expose his lipstick stained stomach, was enough to tell Howard that Tony had been partying the previous night. Something that Howard disliked about his son. It was something that he had done in his youth, and he wasn't exactly proud of it.

"Who's the homeless person on the couch?" He chuckled softly to himself and his joy was shot down by one of Maria's stern looks, to which Howard mouthed an apology.

From the couch came some groaning as Tony awoke. "This is why I love coming home for Christmas..." He got up and slid past Howard. "Right before you leave town." He grinned.

"Be nice, dear, he's been studying abroad," Maria said, still playing the piano.

Alas, Howard decided to fire back an unnecessary comment. "Really, which broad? What's her name?" Tony offered his father a fake smile. "Candice."

Howard reached over, pulling off Tony's hat. "Do me a favor? Try not to burn the house down before Monday."

"Okay, so it's Monday. That is good to know. I will plan my toga party accordingly," Tony leaned against the wall closest to him. "Where you going?" The question was directed to his mother, who had risen from her seat and walked towards him.

"Your father's flying us to the Bahamas for a little getaway," Maria spoke, reaching out to fix Tony's hair. He bated her hands away. "We might have to make a quick stop," Howard piped up, he had grabbed his and Maria's passports.

"At the Pentagon. Right? Don't worry, you're gonna love the holiday menu at the commissary." Tony grinned, enjoying his little joke more than either of his parents.

Just as Howard was about to exit the room to grab the various suitcases, he called out one more time. "You know, they say sarcasm is a metric for potential. If that's true, you'll be a great man some day. I'll get the bags."

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