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It's getting dangerous...

Lying is getting harder.

Father keeps asking about the 'girl' that Dream mentioned. It's not going well with Nightmare never wanting a girlfriend at the moment but always wanting to see Killer.

Why is this so hard?

Nightmare sat in his room. He needed to make a plan. A plan to somehow get Dream in a safe place and do something to defy his father. Maybe kiss Killer in front of him? His father would go for him, not Killer. And Nightmare might get away.


It has to be more than that.

Not just to enrage his father but for Killer.

If his last moments were spent Kissing him, he wouldn't be satisfied. He loves him so much and he needs to show that. He needs to show him how much he loves him. He needs to give him all of his love. Somehow, in one night. In an act against his father, and as a potential goodbye to Killer.

He didn't want to do anything out of selfishness though. It would be selfish if he did something romantic just for a rebellion. He needs to do something for love, that if his father sees he would be mad at.

He mustn't be selfish. If his father doesn't find out he won't tell him. It would just be between him and Killer. And he could find another way to provoke him.

But what? What can he do? What could he do to give all the love that he has to Killer, all in one night?

He could give him his body...

Father Forbids (abandoned due to the fact I hate this fic DONT READ IT)Where stories live. Discover now