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  Really quick before this starts, I would like to let it be known that I've never been the most thorough reader, so if I missed any pronoun changes, please let me know and I'll change them immediately! Otherwise, please enjoy!!

  The soft music drifted from the room that I sat outside of. It was the piano this time. The smooth melody drifted out the doorway, reaching my ears soon after. It was calming, especially after this headache of a day. I closed my eyes and tapped my foot to the slow beat. When the first song finished, another song started with a more upbeat feeling. Though still soothing, it raised my spirits. It was very pleasing to the ear to hear the music being played. That's why I sat outside the music room every lunch break. I loved to hear him play. He always played the nicest songs. The whole lunch hour, he would stay in the room with an instrument and play. The music was so sweet and calming. During the long days of class, I only got one break and instead of eating, I chose to sit against the wall and listen to him playing.

  His name was HueningKai. He was in my year but we never really talked. The occasional greeting here and there, but nothing more than that. My friends weren't his friends and his friends weren't mine. Everyday he came here and played. Sometimes the guitar, other times the piano, sometimes he'd have his friend with him. Without fail, I'd always sit outside the door and listen. The music wasn't really the whole reason I always listened, but it was what HueningKai himself put into his music. When others played it, it sounded robotic, but when he played, it was full of feeling and fluidity. Whenever he would mess up, he'd stop and start over. I never heard him make a big deal about it.

When the lunch bell rang, I snapped back to reality in a world where I had to study every hour of every day. It was a sad reality but one that I lived in. The beautiful music came to a halt and I could hear him putting the cover on the piano. That was my cue to leave. I stood up and walked away to my next class. My friends already sat in their desks. They had saved one for me too. I was very thankful. The only seats available were far away from them so if they didn't save me a seat, I'd be forced to sit very far away from them. It had happened a few times and it was not fun.

I was never in class on time to grab the best seats. I wanted to listen to every last note and I do admit that maybe that isn't a good thing. The music was the one calming thing I had, the one break. I wished to enjoy it for as long as possible. I, however, was never as late to class as HueningKai was. He would always come in a few seconds before the bell. He continuously cut it close. I was surprised that he was never actually late to class.

The last two classes went by quickly. I wasn't sure if it was because I was hyper focused on studying, or because we barely did anything. I wasn't complaining. It was better than when classes would drag on for what felt like hours, but was only minutes. I could now go home. My friends were all quick to say their goodbyes and take their leave. I always took my time. I wanted to delay my arrival home. I would walk to my locker slowly, grab my stuff slowly, walk out of the school slowly, and walk home slowly. It was something that could take about twenty minutes in total but I manage to stretch it to double that.

Home was a stressful place filled with endless amounts of studying to do. My goal was to get a scholarship so I could go to college, and knowledge doesn't come easy. Few people are born with the natural ability to be smart and I am not one of those few people. Lots assume it comes naturally but it really does come with hard work and dedication. That being said, hard work and dedication are boring and repetitive as hell.

When I got home, I started on my homework and studying. I listened to some calming music and nodded my head to the beat as I re-wrote my notes in a clear and precise way, highlighting important information, and then I went over the important sections again. I repeated that for every subject and before I knew it, it was night time. I scrolled through my phone, looking at what everyone had been posting. Usually it was videos of some party they had been at, or something of the sorts. Tonight there wasn't much to I resorted to watching a show and falling a sleep. A very uneventful day, but then again, when you're ordinary, what day isn't uneventful?

Petty Not Pretty (HueningKaiXReader They/Them Pronouns)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin