chapter 1

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TW: kinda graphic

"Marinette! Wake up, you're going to be late for school!" Sabine shouted.

"5 more minutes" Marinette rolled over and cocooned herself in her pink bedsheets. She was usually like this in the mornings, but this time she was especially tired because she and Chat Noir were fighting a really tough akuma all night.

As Marinette began drifting off again, she could hear the faint tapping of her mother's small footsteps growing louder until suddenly, she was released from her prison of comfort and exposed to the blinding rays of the morning sun coming through her window.

Marinette lifted her head and winced as her eyes adjusted to the daylight. "You really need to set a louder alarm, I can't keep waking you up every morning." Sabine said in a frustrated tone. "Yeah, got it mom" Marinette sat up and sluggishly climbed off her bed to get ready.

Tikki flew down to join her as she was picking out her clothes. "Marinette are you oka-" suddenly, Tikki falls to the ground and begins to have a seizure and dies. Marinette eats her for breakfast and heads to school in a hurry while listening to 'cannibal' through her AirPods.

She was going so fast that she didn't notice Adrien in front of her, she tried to stop as she smashed right into him causing him to do the little lad dance while he sCREAMed in agony from getting hit in the balls on impact.

"I am so sorry A-Adrien I- I didn't mean to!" Marinette was panicking at the scene she'd caused. "I was in a hurry a-and I wasn't looking where I was going-" Adrien cut her off as he stopped his little lad dance. "Marinette, it's fine, really. Just watch where you're going next time." He collapsed onto the pavement from the pain.

Marinette, extremely flustered, helped Adrien up by swinging his arm around her shoulder. To her surprise he was extremely light for a semi-unconscious person, she understood why when she looked to her right and saw Nino on the other side of Adrien doing all the work.

Once they'd reached the nurse's office, Nurse Cece lifted Adrien onto the bed. "Thank you both for bringing him here, you two can go now." But Marinette didn't want to leave, she was too worried that something bad had happened to Adrien and it would be all her fault.

"Marinette, you can leave n0w, it's class time for you." Nurse Cece offered. She was about to speak when she was dragged out of the room by Nino.

"He's gonna be fine" Nino assured. "Are you sure?" Marinette wasn't convinced. "Yeah, it happens to us guys all the time." Marinette was still worried but tried to forget about it as her and Nino walked to class together.

The two arrived to class and were kindly greeted by Ms. Bustier. "Good morning Marinette and Nino, I hope you two have a good reason for being late." The two of them stood at the door awkwardly, as Nino opened his mouth to give an explanation when he was rudely interrupted by a rambunctious voice.

"They were probably making out in the bathroom" Chloe screeched. "We all know how big of a cheater Nino is." The DJ broke out in nervous sweats remembering the time he bribed the whole class into not telling Mrs. Mendeleiev he cheated on the science test. Alya shot an evil glare his way.

"We were taking Adrien to the nurse's office, sorry Ms. Bustier" Marinette said. "Oh, I hope Adrien is okay!" Exclaimed Ms. Bustier. "Yes he's fi-" Marinette was cut off by a deafening screech.

Suddenly, Lila bolted out of the classroom in a fit of tears and rage. The class ran up to the window to watch her. Lila climbed onto the railing of the balcony above the gym and began pulling her jumpsuit leg to the side while squatting on the edge of the balcony railing. As her piss trickled down to the gym below so did her tears as they melted off her caked on makeup to reveal the herpes she had been concealing for years. The classes chatting and snickering were drowned out by Lila's blood-curdling screams.

Ms. Bustier opened the door "Lila, please get down, you could hurt yourself!" But it was too late, Lila Rossi tumbled through the air down to the hard gym floor awaiting her below. *THUMP* the class began to cheer while Ms. Bustier rushed down to her unconscious student and hastily carried her in a foetal position to the nurse's office.

"Well she got what she wanted" Alix said happily. Marinette turned white as a ghost when she realised what that meant.

word count: 786

So that's it for chapter one!
I will probably update tomorrow but we'll see...

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