6} nightmare

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~y/n's pov~

all around me is pitch black. i begin to walk, not being able to control my body. i keep walking until im at the edge of a hole. i look down. i step forward and begin to fall for what seems like an eternity.

my back is then met by the cold, hard, void ground. i get on my feet and begin to walk even further into the void. eyes appear on the walls around me. watching me. waiting for me to make a mistake. then to laugh at me. how humiliating.

the eyes watched as i walked, following my every move. i tried to run but was stuck in a walking pace. the eyes continued to stare. they wouldnt go away. i tried to scream, but my mouth wouldnt move. i closed my eyes, but they wouldnt shut.

i saw something in the distance. my walking pace suddenly sped up until i reached it. a mirror stood before me. i looked up at it. i saw my face... but.. it was replaced with a strange green smile :) . i didnt know what was happening.

a pair of hands then clenched around my shoulders. a mask with a smile appeared in the mirror. i punched it. the glass shattered and my knuckles were dripping with blood. i ignored the pain. instead i turned around and saw nothing there. it was gone.

just as i thought i was safe, the walls started to close in around me. the eyes got bigger and voices and laughs flooded my ears. i begged it to stop but my mouth still remained shut.

"GET ME OUT OF THIS NIGHTMARE!" i finally managed to shout

i woke up cold and shaking. a single tear falls from my heated cheeks to the blue, wooly blanket that was wrapped over me.

i looked over to the desk and noticed ranboo's pocket mirror laying on it. i stared into my reflection. the smile :) was gone.

phew... it was just a nightmare.

i looked down at my previously bloody knuckles just to confirm that i wasnt still in my nightmare.

the bloods.... gone.

i sighed in relief.

"hey, are you ok in there?" ranboo's voice spoke from the other side of the door.

"i-im fine! dont worry about me." i lied. in all my 17 years of living, i had grown to be a great liar. like how superheroes have a power. except, mine wasnt 'helpful' or 'life-saving', nor was it special. it had grown into a bad habit i couldnt get rid of.

"hmmm... well... i mean, if you say so."

~3rd person~

y/n tucked their long black hair behind their ears. theyve never really liked their hair. it reminded them of their mother and who they used to be before the...... incident. y/n couldnt bare the past. so, what did they do? they pushed it right to the back of their mind, hoping that they wouldnt have to face it again. but every now and again it started crawling back and wouldnt go away.

they needed to get rid of it.

person from the shadows, a ranboo x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora