The Mysterious Figure

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This may hurt a bit. Said the speaker, "I don't even know what it is!" Bo interrupted. "Just-" He wasn't able tk finish as the lights flash and he clutched his head, like he was in pain.

This is Bo few years after the deal he made, it did come true. He is now performing his new comedy show called "what." with a lot of surprises. One of his popular songs is Left Brain Right Brain. Which is the one he is singing right now.

"Holy fuck I think she might be the one, there's something about her, I just can't describe it!" He sang, looking at the left side (in Bo's perspective) he then saw a figure just out of the corner of his eye. But as he turned to sing left brain's part. "Tits." The figure was nowhere in sight.

This went on for the rest of the show, he caught glimpse of it but it always keeps disappearing. He didn't mind it, but it was distracting. As he performed the last part, the figure was more present.

Mr. Burnham. The speaker said,as the music stopped, the figure was right in front of Bo, he stumbled backwards. The audience laughed, thinking it was part of the act. He played it off by looking confused and looking around, the crowd's laugh grew louder.

He stood up and bowed at the end of his show, the audience cheered. Bo then went backstage to his dressing room, looking at the mirror, exhausted after another performance.

We know it's not right - Bo BurnhamWhere stories live. Discover now