Are You Happy?

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Bo felt stressed about his job, every performance was the same, but they come with a panic attack often.

He glared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he remembers the deal he made. It did come with a price.  "Is this want you wanted?!" He yelled at his reflection, even though he knew exactly who's he's yelling at. "I'm mentally ill now, are you happy!?"

His reflection giggled, "Wrong person to ask that question, Bo!" It morphed to Satan, just like long ago. "It doesn't matter if I'm happy, it's...are you happy?" Satan chuckled, "You have fame now, you followed your dreams, so...are you?"

Bo furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm certainly not, and it's because of you!" He punched the mirror, breaking it. Even though he was no where to be seen, Satan just cackled. "Oh, so now you're blaming me?" He asked. Bo looked around. "Where the hell are you?" He felt nervous. "I'm in your head, Bo." Satan answered.

Bo clutched his head, as he sat on thr toilet seat. " No, stop! Get out of my head!" He shouted. "You can't get rid of me, Bo." Satan smirked, "You shouldn't have made that deal..." he whispered to Bo's ear, Bo whimpered.

He was all alone, except for the voice in his head, reminding him that he fucked up.

We know it's not right - Bo BurnhamWhere stories live. Discover now