II: Ten Years Later

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After she put the baked cookies on the cooling rack to cool off, Xenia turned around when she heard her female orange cat Harlow hiss at the front door of their house. She was confused at her cat's behavior until she heard knocking and walked over before opening up the door to see a king standing outside. "Are you the girl who's been taking care of this farmhouse for the past ten years?", he asked her before he walked into the house and she closed the door so they could talk. "Yes. For the past ten years, I've allowed the citizens to assume I'm a simple farm girl.", she said before leading him to her room, where she went right into the bathroom and changed into the white dress she had on her bed. "Now do you see what I meant?", she asked. "I have a son your age who would love to meet you.", he told her. "Before you go, do you mind telling me what your name is?", she asks him and he turns to her. "Lambert.", he said. "Xenia.", she replied before he left the house and closed the door. She went outside and walked to the hive her bees were living in before letting them out so they could continue helping her out with the farm. After a while of this, she went back inside and closed the door to see someone else petting her cat. "Come here, Harlow.", she said and her cat ran over to her before the person stood up and told her his name. He then let her know his father asked him to stay in the house until the next morning. While they were talking to each other that night, her brothers came in through the house window and reverted back into being humans in front of them. Xenia didn't speak as this happened. Dimitri turned and asked them to follow him so they can talk outside. "Are you her brothers?", he asks them. "Yes we are, kind prince.", Ronan replied and they told him what she must do to break the magic spell on them. "I see. So she must stay hidden until her task is complete.", he said before he went back inside so they could go to sleep in separate bedrooms.

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