III: The Task Begins

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The next morning, Dimitri and Xenia woke up to see her brothers turn back into swans and fly off and he had breakfast with her before going back to the castle so she could begin her task. She knew she'd need something to get started, so she sent a signal to receive the materials she needed. Some fairies answered her signal and brought enough materials for her to finish all eleven sweaters. "If I want to be able to break my brothers free from the spell Harmony cast on them, I can't speak to anyone.", she thought as she began to sew the sweaters. Back at the castle, Dimitri knew Xenia had to keep herself in the farmhouse for a while. Therefore, he had to keep his father from leaving the castle until her task was finished. "As much as I hate to say it, letting Xenia keep to herself until her task is complete is for the best.", he thought as he sat down with his father in the castle dining room. As Lambert turned to him, he sighed and got up from the table before leaving. "He's been acting that way since he got back to the castle. I'm not sure why.", Edelgard said as he closed the dining room doors. "Dimitri won't tell us what he knows either.", Patricia agreed as they sat there. Knowing she was busy with her task, Dimitri went down to the farm to harvest the crops for Xenia while trying to avoid making her bees angry. One of the fairies came out to help him avoid doing so while the other fairies helped her with her task. This went on until the sun went down and he went back to the castle while she turned one of the gardening boxes into a place for the fairies to go to sleep inside.

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