Chapter One

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Katsuki opened his eyes weakly. His head was aching.

He didn't remember much. He was fighting some freak with blades coming out of their mouth with Icy-hot, and then he was being pulled into some warp gate? It all happened so fast. He did remember vividly of Izuku chasing after him, shouting something.

He opened his eyes a bit more to see more clearly, and noticed that he was strapped to a chair in an unknown room. The tightness of the straps was painful, and squeezed his limbs.

He tried to activate his quirk, but quickly realized that his hands were locked inside a quirk restraint cuff. He even had a face mask covering his face, keeping him from talking. He fidgeted, but it did nothing.

"No use in that." Someone infront of him said. Katsuki's head snapped up to face a man with pale blue hair, dry skin, and black clothing on. They were taking slow steps towards him.

Katsuki tried to shout insults at them, but they went muffled.

"Hello, Katsuki Bakugou. I apologize for the.. forceful methods." They whispered, eyeing Katsuki's straps wrapped around his limbs.

Katsuki thrashed in the chair, screaming muffled words. Shigaraki chuckled, which made Katsuki even more furious.

"Let me explain what's going on. Your body is currently being filled with a special substance that Dr. Garaki, has created specifically for you." The man lifted a blue-ish tube and held it up to Katsuki's face. "See?"

Katsuki noticed on his right arm a stab wound, and one of the thick blue-ish tubes was stuffed inside it. Katsuki's stomach lurched.

"I wouldn't worry about those wounds, Katsuki. This substance is supposed to to help you, for our little project. For now, at least." The man said, noticing Katsuki staring at it.

"But don't worry! It's already been two days. You're halfway through the process. So it'll all be over soon." The man added, and poked Katsuki in the chest.

Two days..? Katsuki thought, stunned.

"I bet your dying to see what you look like right now, here." The man lifted a mirror, and reflected Katsuki's face.

Katsuki stared at the mirror in horror, unable to shout in shock.

Katsuki's head had a few patches of hair that fell out and the skin had peeled off, and it showed parts of his brain. There were spots of blood on his head. His eyes were beginning to bulge out from his skull, and his skin was becoming an ugly shade of grey. Katsuki gagged.

The man then flipped the mirror to face them, so they could admire their own reflection. Then they looked up at Katsuki.

"I'm afraid we have no more time to chat, Katsuki." Shigaraki said sadly. Katsuki thrashed more. "I'm sorry to say this, Katsuki, but I'm afraid I'll be the last thing you see." Shigaraki walked up infront of Katsuki. Katsuki caught a whiff of a strong, stale smell. Katsuki recoiled.

Then Shigaraki placed his hands on Katsuki's cheeks, and Katsuki only realized he was wearing rubber gloves. "If it makes you feel better, Katsuki, it was extremely difficult to capture you and restrain you. You fought well." Shigaraki said. Katsuki stared at him, sweat dripping down his face. "Goodbye, Katsuki Bakugou."

A sudden movement, a snap, and Katsuki's neck was twisted. Katsuki was now facing the wall behind him.

Shigaraki sighed and dropped Katsuki's now backwards head, and took several steps backwards.

Shigaraki flipped a switch, and the mask on Katsuki's face began to release gases.

"Well, time to start."

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