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(Trigger warning for abuse and self harming thoughts)

Mina and Denki found Midoriya's dorm room door opened. They looked around, but the room looked bare with some hero merchandise.

"Ohhh I wonder if he's hiding something! Wanna snoop around Denks?" Mina whispered to Denki as he nodded excitedly.

They looked everywhere but only found a home video tape with the title "happy birthday!".

"Omg! We should watch this with everyone! I would love to see a little baby Midoriya celebrating his birthday!" Mina yelled excitingly running gathering everyone up to watch it with her and Denki.

Bakugou was forced to watch it by Kirishima. He was sweating bullets, he knew Midoriya never celebrated his birthday after his fourth birthday. Due to his quirk diagnosis or quirkless.

"Why would we watch a happy Midoriya with all his "friends"?" Shinsou asked annoyed by the golden boy and all his childhood friends.

"Because we get to see him younger! He's going to be so cute!" Uraraka says jumping up and down grabbing onto Iida.

"Yes I am sure he was cute, but please let go Ochako!" Iida says laughing, then sitting down as Mina played the video.

It showed a ten year old boy with freckles everywhere and sunken in cheeks, he looked like skin and bones. He had bandaids everywhere on his face with bruises on his arms and cheeks. He had a black eye, a busted lip and blood running down his forehead.

Everyone gasped as they saw their friend beat up and in front of a simple box cake that was burnt. "Happy Birthday to me!" Midoriya laughed bitterly to himself.

"Oh my god! Who did that to Midoriya?" Shinsou asks in shock. Bakugou looked down at his hands in shame as he remembered all his friends or 'lackeys' basically kidnapped Midoriya and beat him up for a present for 'Midoriya' they had muzzled him and beat his face in, then his body.

"You went to the same middle school with midobro! So do you know who did that to him?" Kirishima asked Bakugou with worry laced in his voice.

"Why isn't his mom or his friends over?" Jirou asked frowning at seeing no one was in the kitchen with him, they could see the living room from the kitchen and saw no decorations or friends or family.

"Where's his family and Friends?" Momo asks as tears formed in her eyes.

"Izu says that middle school was bad for him! But even if it was I didn't think it would be this bad!" Uraraka says as Iida hugs her as she cries into his chest.

"Wait I thought he had friends? He has a perfect quirk?" Shinsou asks to no one in particular.

"He was fucking quirkless until a year ago you dipshits!" Bakugou yelled then walking out of the dorms to think about all the trauma he caused his childhood friend, or if he could even call him that.

Everyone gasps as tears found their way onto Shinsou' cheeks. He had been a total dick to Midoriya thinking he had it better than him. But in reality he had in so much worse than he ever did.

"Hey Everyone! Today we're going to be showing you how to decorate a birthday cake." Midoriya says in a emotionless tone as he grabbed a spoon and took the icing from the cup and started to put it on the burnt cake.

"Happy birthday! Now it's time to decorate your cake! Nobody else is going to do it for you because no one is coming over to celebrate your birthday with you." Midoriya says as he decorated the cake with some green icing for the words 'happy birthday.

Some where crying and some where mad at the people who bullied their friend, and some were emotionless.

"They wouldn't dare! They don't want to be around you, and even if the did they wouldn't risk it."

"What if everyone in class found out that they were hanging out with you?"

"They'd be a laughing stock, they'd be chastised, and brutalized and shunned."

"You understands how that feels. You wouldn't want anyone to feel so alone, and isolated, and hated as you do."

"So you don't bother inviting people over for your birthday anymore in fact...
You don't even really celebrate. You just make yourself a subpar cake, and you decorate it yourself."

"Alone, in the dark, alone, completely alone.."

"To decorate your cake spread some goo on it and into a design."

"Who cares?" Midoriya says all emotionless but getting mad and grabbing a knife in his hand. Some gasped as to what he was going to do.

"Is he going to hurt himself?" Mina sobbed into Sero's chest. "Let's hope not.." he replies softly with worry.

"Why do I even do this every year? I don't even like cake. I used to think it'd cheer me up, but it doesn't." Midoriya says as tears fall onto the cake as he slams the knife into the cake messing it up.

"Nothing does, I hate this, I hate birthdays, I hate myself!" Midoriya sobbed into his hands as he threw the cake and the cake pan across the counter into the floor where it crashed. Everyone heard the glass shatter into a million pieces as their hearts broke.

"I can't watch this anymore.." Mina sobbed trying to wipe her tears as she took out the video tape. Shinsou has gotten up and went to his dorm room not wanting to watch anymore. Why wasn't his mother there for him? She was a shitty mom, not even she showed up on his birthday. Shinsou thought to himself, even though he had his new dads. Who did Midoriya have? Absolutely no one?

Shinsou or anyone couldn't think. Todoroki was furious with Bakugou for abusing his BESTFRIEND! He took the tape and walked to the teachers dorms to show Aizawa, maybe, just maybe he'd help his best friend and not turn a blind eye to the abuse. Like Midoriya's old teachers did before.

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