Updated A/N (2023)

81 1 2

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't been updating recently, Ive been very busy. I hope to update really soon, but writers block isn't making it any easier. If you have any ideas for the next chapter please let me know, I don't want it to be super cliche which is why it is taking me so long. If you want to know when I am going to update, or you want to talk to me in a more private way, I now have an Instagram you can follow me on and an email address you can email me on. The insta will have when I am going to post, my DMs on there will always be open as well as the email! Have a great day!

Hello everyone, here is the update everyone has been waiting for, which is going to be on all of my books and accounts. In early-mid December, I lost all of my drafts for all mom my books here on Wattpad, and it has been super frustrating trying to get them back and rewrite everything. I have also had some setbacks because my computer has been on the Frits recently and it has been in the shop more than it has been with me. I am currently out of town and will not be able to get my computer back from he shop it is currently in until tomorrow, but I have been trying my best to write as much as possible to make up for what I lost. I will be updating all my books, including my new one called 'Go The Distance' which is a collaboration, either tomorrow or Monday (yes that is a promise). Thank you for being patient, and I will see you all soon.

Email: TWISTER202014@gmail.com

Insta: @TWISTER202014

Bye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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