Movie night - Karlnap

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Tw: Fluff, makeout

Written by Louise and Jay


"Sapnap?" Karl asks on call. "Yeah?" He responds grinning. "Do you wanna come over for movie tonight tomorrow or something?" Karl asks nervously. "Of course! Does today work?" The younger boy asks. "Yeah." Karl says turning red. "I'll be over in like 30." Sapnap responds grabbing his phone and rushing over his closet to start packing. He packs his pajamas, his classics black long sleeve and a white t-shirt to go over it and black pants along with other things. "Hey Karl, is it ok if I hang up?" He asks. "Yeah." Karl responds waiting for Sapnap to end the call. Sapnap ends the call and throws the rest of what he needs into his duffle bag grabbing his keys in the process. Sapnap opens the car door and throws his duffle into the passenger seat turning on music while starting the car. He carefully pulls out of his driveway and makes his way to Karl's house in record time. He grabs his phone and duffle and walks up to the front door. He knocks and Karl opens the door and flies into Sapnap's arms. "I missed you!" Karl says grinning at Sapnap. They walk inside hand in hand and go to Karl's room. Sapnap sets his duffle down and helps Karl move blankets to the living room for their classic movie fort. They fort they always build is massive and takes forever to build but is well worth it. After about five minutes all the blankets are in the living room and they start setting up the fort. About an hour later they're done. Admiring the fort they just built they slightly tweak some things so it looks better and will hold up better. They walk into the kitchen and grab snacks, monsters, and other supplies they'll need. They're back to the fort quickly and they debate on what movie to watch. They end up deciding on IT and they settle in. "I love this movie." Sapnap says grinning. Karl nods and nudges Sapnap. "Sap, can I cuddle with you? I don't like horror movies." Karl says avoiding looking at the TV. "Yeah, It'll be ok Karl." Sapnap says moving into a better position to cuddle with Karl. Karl soon falls asleep wrapped around Sapnap's chest. Sapnap switches the movie to Luca and Karl wakes up. "Hey sleepy." Sapnap says grinning at Karl. "Hey Sap." He says grinning. Karl watches Luca and Sapnap soon falls asleep. Sapnap wakes up after the movie changes to find that they're watching the nightmare before christmas. Karl is watching intently and Sapnap grabs another monster and opens it. "Morning Sappy." Karl says kissing him on the cheek. "Morning Karl" Sapnap replies. They cuddle and watch the movie. It ends and they groan. "It's such a good movie" Karl says whining that it was over. "I agree, But corpse bride should the be next movie we watch." Sapnap says. "Ok Sap." Karl says while Sap kisses him on the top of his head. "I love you." Sap says making Karl grin. "I love you too." Karl says. They share a quick kiss and break apart to watch the movie. Karl watches and comments a few times but other than that he stays silent. The movie ends too quickly and Sapnap looks at the time. "Hey Karl, Do you want the other feral boys over? They're all over at my house right now and I forgot to tell them I wouldn't be home." Sapnap says looking at his phone. "Yeah, they'll just make it twice the fun." He says grinning. "Ok, they're on their way over." Sapnap says grinning. Sapnap and Karl stand up and Sapnap scoops Karl into his arms. Karl turns red and blushes. "Hey! Sap, Put me down!!" Karl says playfully. "I will in a minute." Sapnap says kissing Karl on the forehead. Sapnap carries Karl to the kitchen and sets him down on the counter. Karl knows what Sap is going to do and moves for the kiss. Sap grins and closes the gap quickly. They break apart so Karl can get air and they hear a knock on the door. They run over to the front door and open it. "Hey guys!" They both say in unison. "Hey you two!" They all say grinning. After a few minutes everyone gets settled and Quackity suggests seven minutes in heaven.  Everybody agrees and they spin a bottle to see what pair will go first. Sapnap and Dream end up getting chosen by the bottle and they head to the closet. the three of you remaining just kinda talk for seven minutes not really caring. "Times up!" George yells and gets no response. Dream and Sap walk out of the closet with messy hair but that's about it. The bottle is spun again and George and Quackity are picked. They head to the closet and soon enough the time is up. They come back looking the same as before. The bottle is spun again and it lands on Sapnap and Quackity. They head to the closet and after time is up they return looking red with messy hair. This time the bottle lands on Karl and Quackity and they head to the closet. "Hey Karlos-" Quackity gets out trying to find out where Karl's at. Karl moves slightly and falls landing on Quackity. "Uh, Hey-" Karl says moving to get into a better position. "Six minutes!!" is shouted and they lock eyes and nod. Karl moves to kiss Quackity and Quackity closes the gap quickly putting his hands on Karl's hips. Karl runs his hands through Quackity's hair and they soon become tangled. They break apart for air and both boys jump back into the kiss eager for the other. Soon into the second kiss Karl ends up under Quackity but does care. They break apart and they can hear "Time's up!!" from the closet. they get up and open the door coming back red and messy-haired. Sapnap spins the bottle next and it lands on Karl. They go into the closet know what to do. Karl kisses Sapnap wanting him more than he wanted Quackity. They break apart and a soft moan escapes Karl's mouth. "You like this Kj?" Sapnap asks wanting his boyfriend to answer before they went too far. Karl nods and Sapnap goes for the kiss and Karl closes the gap. Karl's hands run through Sapnap's hair and Sapnap's hands are around Karl's waist. They break apart and another soft moan leaves Karl's lips. "Time's up!!" The others scream. Sapnap and Karl get up and grab the other's hand. "God I love you." Karl says before they walk out. They play seven minutes of heaven for a few rounds and then watch movies. Soon enough everybody is asleep besides Sapnap and Karl. They end up spooning and Karl ends up being the little spoon but he doesn't care. "I love you ." He says before falling asleep to the intro of UP. This night couldn't have been more perfect.

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